Lydia's departure

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Capítulo 4: Lydia's departure

"Are you guys sure about this?" Tifa asked Lydia and Percy, "From now on things will be more difficult."

"Don't worry, Tifa, in fact, unless we face a zolom snake, things won't be as moving as they were in Midgar," Percy replied happily, his hands behind his neck.

The group descended down the cable and reached the outskirts of Midgar. Nanaki, lacking opposable thumbs, had to be helped by Percy, who turned into a cat, then extended his tail and wrapped it around Nanaki's torso, then flew with Nanaki and placed it on the ground.

"That was humiliating," they both said at the same time, once they had come down to the ground and suddenly looked at each other with fury.

"Percy, that's enough," said Lydia and her friend turned back into a cat boy.

"Where are we going now?" Wedge asked.

"We don't have any food or anything, let's get all the money we have and go to the town of Kalm, we'll buy something there," Barrett suggested.

"Wait a minute," Aerith cut him off, "I think it's time to choose a new leader."

"WHAT!" Barrett shouted.

"I said that I think it's time to choose a new leader," the florist repeated calmly and Barrett was on the verge of reprimanding her, but he was interrupted by the other girls.

"Hey, I think it's an excellent idea," Tifa nodded excitedly.

"I believe so, I vote for our new leader to be Cloud." jumped up excited, Jesse.

Barrett looked at women in disbelief.

"I think Barrett has done a good job as a leader so far," said Lydia, "I don't see why we should choose a new leader."

"I see the reason, they're obsessed with Cloud," Percy thought and shook his head while smiling amusingly.

"I can't believe this! What do you guys think?" Barrett said.

"Hey, don't push them!" Jesse scolded him.

"That's it, let's vote on it" suggested Tifa with a seductive pose.

"What the hell! Well, let's vote then!" Barrett said.

"Neither you nor Cloud should vote," said Aerith.

"All right, all right! Vote at fucking once!" Barrett got impatient.

"I vote for Lydia! Lydia for president! Gothic girls to power!" Percy exclaimed happily, jumping out of the air.

"Percy, I'm not disputing Avalanche's leadership, you have to vote for Barrett or Cloud."

"No, my vote will always be for you, Lydia, always!" Percy said to her, and Lydia blushed with a silver color that poked out of her cheeks.

After the girls finished laughing at how sweet Percy was, the voting began.

As expected, Tifa, Aerith and Jesse voted for Cloud. Biggs voted for Barrett the same as Lydia, while Percy continued to insist on voting for Lydia.

The surprise came with Wedge and Nanaki who voted for Cloud and so it was decided that Cloud would be the new leader.

"Cloud fought alone against Rufus and the bikers" justified his vote Nanaki.

Lydia Deetz and final fantasy VII (completed 22/22)Where stories live. Discover now