Chapter 4 - Cherished letters.

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Today is the 27th of June, 2 days before the local dance they hold to make us forget about the scenes around us. I woke this morning to find that father had wrote to us all.

Dear my darling Martha,                                                                                                                  

                                                  I  am alive and kicking. Well today's weather is 23C which means a lot of sunscreen is in order so I don't turn red like a lobster. I tried a new dish today, it was horrible I was nearly sick! Nothing beats abut of bread and jam in my opinion.

I trust you are well and keeping yourself out of trouble. Thank- you for sending over that recent photo, I can't believe how much you have all grown especially Pollyanna, though I noticed you were wearing red lipstick now don't get me wrong you look lovely but I'm not ready for you to have a boyfriend yet. I've wrote to your mum and told her not  to let you keep wearing the lipstick until I am home, your only allowed to wear it on special occasions.

Your mum last mentioned that the local dance is coming up. Are you going with anyone I should I should know about? What is the weather  like in Cornwall ? Are you coping on the farm? Sorry this letter is short but have fun at the dance, and remember no boyfriends.

                                                           All my love 

                                                                    Father X 

To my dearest Father, 

                                                  Thank- you for your message, I am afraid this letter is going to be short also. We are all fine and the weather is holding up nicely, the sun is out which is good timing for tomorrow which is the dance. As for your questions I am going with Lucy and Ada. I haven't got any boyfriends father but I fear I am going to have to wear my red lipstick to the dance because it goes with my outfit. The farm is the same before you left we are all coping fine but we miss you so much!

                                                              All my love

                                                                     Martha X 

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