Chapter 12 - His name is Louis.

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Last night I got back extremely early from the factory due to going in way to early for my shift. I saw that the kitchen light was on and normally the only light in the house that is left on is the sitting room. So I quietly sneak up to the back door of the kitchen and can hear Edna and another voice. So me being me undo the door very hastily to see her sat down to dinner with another man.

Finally I can put a face and name to Edna's mystery man. He has mousy brown/black hair that is swept over rather fashionably. He has enchanting green eyes and has a very sharp jawline.

I am stood in shock  staring  at him that I totally forgot that I was in the room until I heard an awkward cough erupt from Edna's mouth. "Sorry, I heard voices and the kitchen light was on and anyway who is this man in the kitchen Edna?" I say trying to play it off as if I wasn't just staring weirdly at this man. The man in question put his hand out " Sorry to startle you, my name is Louis and I'm Edna's boyfriend." Great I thought the first time I meet him I just stand there staring at my sisters boyfriend. 

"Ermm... Hi... I I'm Martha JJune Edna's sister, it's nice to meet you" I stutter as I'm shaking his hand. The whole time Edna is stood there with a red face quite embarrassed at the situation p.

"Edna can we talk privately in the sitting room please?" We go into the sitting room. "You never told me he was handsome, how did you get him? Tell me everything when he goes, does he have any good looking friends?" I babbled on much to her dismay. We end up going back into the kitchen  where he is waiting and we share a glance. There was a awkward silence as we all looked at our cups of tea.

"So Louis what do you do?" I asked so things were t silent. " I work sorting out books for an accountant job" " How long have you and Edna know each other?" Well we started courting two months ago, but known each other for 2 years." I sat there nodding my head. "It is really lovely meeting you Louis but I must off and start doing the farm work." I said not breaking the eye contact we had. "Pleasures all mine" he said with a smile, oh his smile I thought to myself.

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