Chapter 17 - Confessions - Part 2.

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As I pulled the heavy machinery close to my body, I could feel myself tearing apart. Part of me wanted to tell Arthur about Louis and how he kissed me, part of me wanted to tell Edna. But a massive part of me wanted to keep it a secret and not tell anyone. But I knew if I did the argument it would cause and how hard it would be for me to keep my relationship with my sister and Arthur. I knew I had to tell someone, anyone and get it off my chest. My best place to confide in is mother.  So that was the plan. I was going to tell mother everything. I just hoped that she didn't assume too much or be disappointed in me. But the outcome would depend on her answers.

As I slowly walked down the dark stingy streets, dragging that weight I was going over how to approach mother with all of this. It was roughly 8:30 p.m when I got back. As I opened the dreaded door with heavy shoulders, I walked into the living room and found Edna crying. She saw me out the corner of her eye. "Edna, hey don't cry, what's up?" I asked in a hushed soothing voice. Out of the blue she leapt from the chair and started screaming hysterically. I kept telling her to breath. When she calmed down she looked at me with hate in her eyes through gritted teeth she spoke " I know about you and Louis and so does Arthur."

I stood there froze for a second. I then ran over to her and held her by her shoulders as she kept trying to push me away. "Edna it's not like that, he made a move on me I promise, I wanted to tell you straight away, please I will explain." I screamed back at her.

She nodded her head and told me to explain. So I told her everything that happened that morning. She looked me in the yes and I could see that deep down she knew what I was saying was the truth. " You need to find Arthur and tell him Martha, he is heartbroken about it." "I will, but Edna I need you to know that I would never ever do this to you! Your my sister I would never betray you!" Before I left I turnt to her " Will Arthur still love me?" She shrugged her shoulders and looked back at the fire.

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