Chapter 14 - Meeting his family.

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Louis and Edna decided that this Sunday was a good enough Sunday to come round and have dinner with us. So me and Pollyanna set the table with our grandest cloths and the cleanest silverware we had in the house. Mother was in the kitchen getting the food ready to set on the table, while Edna was upstairs getting ready to meet Louis and his family to walk them back to ours.

Edna got dressed in a knee length dress that was pink with silver beading across the top and bottom. Pollyanna was wearing a silver chiffon dress with a little shoulder scarf that matched. William was wearing a grey tuxedo that he had recently brought. I was wearing a dark purple evening dress, with my hair down with red lipstick. It complemented my skin colour very well.

2 hours later .................

We were all sat down at the table, with the food me, mother and Pollyanna set out. Arthur was the same age as me and had a moustache, he was handsome with crystal green eyes, but were much more enchanting than Louis's all of the brothers and sister had the most delightful green eye colour. There was Finn, Joe, Harry , Arthur (of course) and Mary-Ann. Mary-Ann was a lot like me, we were both strong and hot headed ladies and we bought fought alongside other women for women's rights. We laughed all night that I totally forgot about how I felt about Louis that was until all I could feel was his eyes on me, for a long period of time.

Before they all left we had a game of charades to pass the time. Pollyanna, William, Harry and Mother was on one team. Myself, Edna, Louis, Arthur, Mary-Ann was on another team while Finn and Joe were our adjudicators because they both said that they were horrible at this game. My team won of course much to the other teams dismay. (They all blamed William for there loss because he was shouting out random answers all the time and wasn't really watching). Before they all headed out the door Arthur pulled me aside and asked if he could talk to me in private. Arthur didn't realise that Louis was sending him evil looks , one that would make the devil scared himself. He thanked me for inviting him even though I told him it was mothers idea. Arthur also told me he enjoyed getting to know a bit about me , and that Louis was right i was quite pretty. He was wondering if i wanted to join him for dinner just the two of us one night when we weren't too busy and get to know each other more. I was delighted and excepted his offer for dinner one evening. Mary- Ann then spoke up and invited our family round in two Sundays time to round to theirs  for another evening dinner. Me and Arthur decided that next Friday would be the best time to go out for the evening dinner.

When they left i shut the door with a big smile on my face. Maybe love isn't hard to find after all I thought!


Maybe I am in love? 

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