Chapter 19 - Only love can hurt like this.

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Author note: Thank you all so much for the 100 reads!

The morning came round rather quickly, I was excited to start. Before I left the house Pollyanna and William gave me some red roses and a card saying : Congratulations on your new job! The walk down to the shop seemed to drag along. I don't know why but I had a feeling today, a feeling that something bad was going to happen but I threw that thought aside and placed it down to my nerves. 

Mrs.Morgan was lovely and I got the hang of working the till and measuring the ladies that came in and how to work out the stock. Once she was satisfied that I could do all of this she decided to leave me while she visits her son who was at the hospital. It wasn't busy at the moment so I went through the back and made myself a cup of coffee and sat at the counter incase someone was to come in. I was deep in thought, thinking about Arthur and the encounter we had, I wondered if he had moved on with someone new. Since he's been gone from my life I've found myself standing around at the local dances. The bell on top of the door signalled that a customer had entered and ripped me out of my thought. 

As I slowly raised my head and put my coffee down a young lady about my age with the most curly auburn hair with freckles dotted all around her face with the most memorising green eyes. "Hello, madam how may I help you?" "Ermm... I'm here to buy a dress" she replied nervously. "Well you've come to the right place, what style are you looking for we have a range from the elegant evening dresses or just day dresses?" "I'm not sure... I have a date tonight." "Oh that's lovely, well my name is Martha-June and I will make sure that look a million pounds in the dress you purchase here!" " Thank you my name is Georgina" "Well Georgina what colours do you like." "I like dark greens because the colour complements my eyes" "Well then Georgina, now we've established the colour you want follow me over here and we will start looking, who's the lucky man then? and how did you meet? if you don't mind me asking?" She started laughing " It's fine I met the man 2 months ago at the pub, he had just found out the girl he loved had kissed his brother. We needed up talking and drinking to much that he took me back to my place and we ... We ermm you know , we done it." "Oh, what was his name?" I asked curiously but I could feel my heart shatter. Please don't be Arthur, please don't be my Arthur was all I was thinking as I pulled a dark green evening dress from the hanger and gave it to her to try on. "Omg, I love this dress his name is Arthur and he should be coming by to see me here, would that be ok?" My heart shattered and I sank to the floor tears slowly trailing down my face, how could he? No wonder why he hasn't tried contacting me since our last encounter. "I'm coming out now so you can give me your opinion." And with that Georgina opened the curtain with one pull she was stood face to face with me. I wiped my eyes quick and lied by saying I was tired. She looked absolutely gorgeous no wonder why Arthur done what he done.

"You look wonderful Georgina, would you like to purchase this?" "Yes please!" She answered keenly. Well I will go and get one of the boxes ready. I run to the back room and slowly got the box for her dress. As I just crossed the threshold I could hear some muffled voice. I walked to the front desk and that's when I saw it, I saw Arthur kissing Georgina the way he used to kiss me. It wasn't until I cleared my throat and got both of their  attentions did Arthur realise it was me. His smile dropped from his face. She was the first to speak. "Oh Artie darling, this lovely young lady Martha-June helped me pick this dress isn't it gorgeous, she was right I feel like a million pounds." She called him Artie! Why did he let her? I used to call him that, I made up that nickname for him not her so,why is she using it? I had to put on a front and make myself look like I'm strong and that I'm not cracking. "Oh no I just helped you find the dress, that would be 8 shillings please, are you two off anywhere nice tonight for your date?" "Yes we are going to the pictures then out for a meal at the recently opened restaurant." She replied handing me over the correct amount of money. That's where he took us to our first date. How could he? I realised that his eyes never left my face. I hadn't looked st him this whole time but I could feel his stare. "Well I hope you two have fun tonight, goodbye." I took a big breath I didn't know that I was holding until they both exited the shop. I glanced at the clock I had another two hours left. It seemed to go by very very very very slowly.

Once my shift was over I dragged my body and feet back to Pollyanna's. She knew why I was so down as she heard from the two local gossips at her job. She said nothing instead she gave me a tight hug that spoke a 100 words to me. I didn't know if I wanted to talk about it or just take my mind off of it. I decided I would tell Pollyanna how my day went but I decided at the last minute that I would leave the part out of when Georgina came in and all of the whirlwind had come to light. I decided I had had enough heartbreak for life. I went to bed early and laid awake for what seemed like hours. I curled up and sobbed silently but before my eyes slowly dropped down I agreed that only love can hurt like this, then the room descended into darkness.

Hi guys, I'm not sure about this chapter and the way I have presented it  but I haven't updated in so long and I wanted to publish it so you all had a bit more to read.

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