Chapter 10 - The final good night.

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Today is the day we lay father to rest. Me, mother and my sisters all squashed in the sitting room ready to be called out by other family members who are outside waiting. Waiting for the hurst to collect fathers now lifeless body. Then after that we follow the body out, just like a normal funeral.

As we are waiting in silence fathers body is in the next room with the door closed. I find it weird that even though he is dead and lifeless that his body could make me feel more relaxed and calm during what's happening today.

"It's here" ripped me out of my trail of thought. I close  my eyes for a second " come on Martha - June you can do this" I tell myself during that short period of closing my eyes. After I open them the first person I see is mother. She's hold back the tears putting a brave face on almost like she's built a facade that she's keeping up for a long time.

2 hours later.

The funeral procession was quick. Myself, mother and sisters went up to say words about father. After the lowering of his coffin a few of his old friends came up and told us what an amazing opportunity they had to know father. They even told us the mischief they all got up to when they were younger. There was a lot of tears from a lot of people and a siren of "sorry for your loss" being played through out.

We're back home now. Everyone who wanted to come to the wake at our house afterwards is here. Mother has locked herself upstairs for a few minutes while she hugs the last picture she has of father. The alcohol is flowing  and to say I haven't had a few sherries is a complete lie. Silent clogging of people's brains can be heard, people thinking of what to say next or if they should even say anything. We don't have a grandmother or grandfather because they died before we were born. So I like to think he's reunited with grandmama and grand papa.

" Allright boys, let's sing Jonathan's favourite songs" shouted Frederick who was fathers childhood friend. A chorus of men started singing. Some slurred singing followed as well. Pollyanna and Edna Mai stood up singing arm in arm with everyone else, while I sat on the arm of the sofa silently singing. I cannot sing, I temper when father asked if I ha stepped on something sharp or if I had a sore throat. It made ,e laugh till tears spiller from my eyes.

Halfway through the singing in hear the creaking of the steps in the hallway. I turn my head to see mother sat down holding a photo of her and father at some old friend of theirs wedding. Her tear stained face with streaks of mascara running broke my heart. 

I climbed the steps and sat down one step from her. I didn't say anything. She turned to me so I gave her a soft smile and she returned it. We sat hand in hand  quietly on the step. We didn't have to say anything because there was nothing to say we were both coping with the same things. We both knew what we didn't want to hear, things we shouldn't say. I broke the silence after a few minutes. "They're all singing fathers favourite songs in there, though when I say singing more like slurring and screeching." I laughed at the last part and so did she. "You have your fathers smile, especially when you smile with your eyes." I didn't know what to say so I sat there and silently nodded.

"We'll get through it mother,remember what father always said, you have to be knocked down first to get back up and when your down your family is the first one to pick you up, no matter what the situation is if we are together we can get through it." " I know it's hard mother but we will, but for now there's a big glass of sherry with your name on it." She laughed and said thank - you.

A few hours afterwards everyone left leaving me, mother, Pollyanna and Edna Mai on our own. Pollyanna and Edna Mai had way too much to drink and are currently located passed out on the living room floor. Mother went up to bed about an hour ago. She said she wasn't feeling well so I'll check on her after I carry up Pollyanna and Edna Mai.

As I'm carrying  up Edna Mai because somehow with unknown strength I have already put Pollyanna to bed, mother is sobbing into the pillow. I knock on her door and ask if she's alright and she doesn't reply. I take it she doesn't want to talk about it. So I'm sat in bed now just finishing up the last sentence of the book. It's quiet as usual.

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