Chapter 18 - Everything has changed.

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As I trudged through the dark, stingy streets to Arthur's house, fresh tears were trailing down my face. I was wracking my brain trying to find the right words to explain to Arthur what had happened. What if he didn't love me anymore? What if this was the end for us? I mean we were only at the beginning . It broke my heart to realise that I would have to come to terms with not being with Arthur. For us to be over!

As I took the final steps I found myself face to face with Arthur's front door. I inhaled quickly and closed my eyes to gain composure. I knocked twice, two sharp knocks. On the inside I hoped he wasn't there or, if he was then he wouldn't answer the door. I heard a little creek noise before the door was slightly opened. My heart was beating so fast that I could hear it in my ears. I bowed my head until I heard someone speak. My head shot up and I was face to face with Arthur. The chain was still on the door and I saw the left side of his face. His eyes were red and blotchy, I knew he'd been crying.

"Let me in please, I need to explain to you that what you heard was a lie." I murmend in a delicate voice. I saw the clogs in his brain working, deciding whether to hear me out or not. He looked at me then shook his head. I pleaded with him, telling him that he needed to hear me out first. " Why should I Martha? Give me one good reason why I should listen? Why I should let you in?" "Because I don't want you thinking those  lies are the truth, I don't want this between us to end! I love you!" I screamed at him letting all those feelings out. "You make me smile Artie I look forward to each and everyday because of you, ever since my dad died I didn't want to look for love because everything I love I lose!  Then I found you, you made me feel like there was hope, hope in me finding love. I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU!" My voice cracked as I sobbed.

Arthur looked at me shocked. He shut the door, I nodded my head and started to turn when I heard the door open fully. "Martha" his voice sounded weak if it weren't for the silence I wouldn't of heard him. "Do you want to come in?" I nodded and he stood to the side as I walked in. I sat down at the kitchen table and swallowed the lump in my throat as Arthur sat opposite me. He cleared his throat as if it was a signal for me to start talking. I grabbed his had and tried to hold it, but he pulled his hand away I had never felt that hurt. " Louis he fancied me I had no idea about this I swear" "Why did you kiss him?" "No Arthur he kissed me I pulled away, he kept telling me that he wished I was with him not Edna." "Why didn't you tell me straight away!" He yelled I flinched at his tone of voice but I knew the reason behind him raising his voice. "Please don't shout." "You kissed my brother this morning, I had to find out from the locals because they were gossiping. I had to find out that the girl I had feelings for cheated on me with my own brother, I'm sorry that I'm feeling a bit angry and want to shout!" He said in a sarcastic tone. " I did not cheat , I'm loyal, he came on to me! And I pushed him off he wants me Arthur." "He doesn't like me being with you why can't you understand it?" "I knew from the way he made those eyes at you that there was something going on with you two. God, how could I be so blind?" 

"Nothing is going on." A few seconds past before I spoke back up again. "I'm with you" I pushed my chair back and rounded the table until I was sat on Arthur's lap, I yanked his face in my hands so we were eye to eye. "You have to believe me, I don't want Louis he came onto me. I pushed away because I love you. Please let's try and work this out. Nothing happened but let's work through this." "What is there to work through Martha?" "No, no don't do this please." He took my hands off his face and lightly shoved me off his lap. He stood up and walked to the door where he opened it. He turnt to me "I forgave you as soon as you knocked on the door, but I can't be in a relationship where I can't trust someone. I've lost all my trust in you." Tears were now glossing over Arthur's eyes. He moved out of the way as I walked to him. I stopped in front of him and removed the gold necklace he gave me and placed it in his open palm and as I closed his fingers around it I gave his cheek one last kiss and walked out. 

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