Chapter 11 - A new start.

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Authors note: As you can guess from the title and picture it's a new start for Martha - June and her family. But it's now the year 1943. I will also be updating this story when I can as my exams are coming up but please be patient.

A year has come and gone since father passed. It isn't easy as we thought but as they say life goes on. Which it has Pollyanna is now married to a respectable young man called William, who I have to admit is rather dashing. Edna - Mai is courting someone but has yet to reveal his identity and as for me I have not yet to find any love interest but I'm working in a factory as well. So I work in the factory from early morning to early evening, when I come back I start on the farm.

Mother is still torn about father but we've all managed to speak about it and sort our feelings out, which is a blessing. She stays at home while I work then when I come back to the house she goes out to work.

Pollyanna lives 2 houses down so she visits all the time, it's as if she has never left. Edna she still lives at the house with us but we don't see a lot of her because she's out with mr mysterious.

I was a bridesmaid at Pollyanna's wedding which was great it was quite a simple wedding there was only 25 people there including myself, mother and Edna. She wore a stunning dress it was an ivory colour with lace that I had stitch on the dress at last minute but I'm not complaining. The bridesmaid wore a pale pink knee length dress with thrills around the top. And mother she wore a grey sophisticated suit and done an amazing speech. We went back to the local pub where everyone got drunk and that's all I can remember really.

We're still living in Cornwall on the farm but we've brought pigs which keep getting out and eating all the crops but apart from that everything's still the same. Well that's it for all that has happened.

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