Chapter 9 - The last memories.

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Authors note: In the last chapter, I mentioned the body being brought back. I know this isn't factually correct as its normally a wooden cross but I thought it would go well with the story line. There will also only be one chapter tonight. I'm sorry about that.

Fathers body was brought back last week. We haven't gone to view it thought. We want our last memory of him to be still alive and cracking jokes. Mother and I were sorting out photos of dad while Pollyanna and Edna were at the local florist picking out and ordering flowers for the funeral. The photos we were sorting out were to put up for the wake afterwards. We stumbled across the photo of all us happy ( the last family portrait we got all together) along with photos of him and us as babies and young children, it's strange how one photo can bring back such joyous memories. We went through the records afterwards and found the song him and my mother danced to at their wedding. The song was called "Someone to watch over me" by George Gershwin. It sounds cliché but that is literally what father is now someone to watch over us our own guardian angel. Once finished deciding what was what for the funeral we waited for Pollyanna and Edna to come back. When they later returned we headed into the living room and listened to the stillness of the night occasionally the wood fibres would pop out the fire and singe the old rug. Tomorrow would create a contrasting atmosphere from the quiet and peaceful that was happening right at this very moment.

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