Chapter 7 - The heartbreak.

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We never made it to the dance that night. I swear we never made it out of the rain. Tonight was all about forgetting the hurt and pain that we are all suffering because of the war, but instead the pain hit us harder then we can imagine. We knew what chances were that he could go any day but those chances were none to everything. 

Before father border that train he promised one thing and one thing only that he would return to us.

Growing up father was everything you know. He  was the first one to hold me, to teach me how to ride a bike, to teach me how to fight and use a gun incase the Germans invaded (much to mothers dismay). When you get married in life it's always the father to walk you down the isle and give you to the man you love and tell people about his little girl, only being 18 I dream about my wedding all the time, but now there's nothing to imagine.

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