Chapter 15 - My dinner with Arthur.

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Authors note: Sorry for the delay with this chapter, but at the moment due to my exam my schedule for this is all over the place. This chapter has more words than any other.

Tonight is my dinner with Arthur and I am so excited. He's picking me up at 6:30 on the dot. Ever since we arranged it I have been looking forward to it. But, I still don't understand the upset it has caused Louis. I've done my hair in gorgeous Hollywood waves with a parting on the left side. I've paired it with a beige knee length skirt and a white top. The weather is looking very warm so I better top up on SPF. I am wearing a golden locket that my mother made with a picture of father on. I've had seven encounters with Louis but they have been awkward ones, ones where we've exchanged hello's and that's it.

All of this date Arthur has managed to keep a smile on my face and kept my drink topped up. I have to admit I am rather tipsy. The decor in this place is heavenly. Halfway through the meal a local band started playing and Arthur asked me to dance like a proper gentleman and I accepted. Arthur cannot dance, I may have a broken toe or maybe a few broken toes but it has been amazing. The night was drawing to a near and we were putting our coats on when Arthur turnt to me and said " I've really enjoyed myself tonight Martha and I was wondering if you'd like to do this again, but maybe go to the pictures if you want to... It's not like you have to or anything... I'm rambling on aren't I?" I put my finger on his lips and nodded. "Yes, you are rambling on quite a lot and yes I'll go on that date with you." After I finished my sentence I cupped the back of his head and slowly leant up to kiss him. Now I know it's not lady like to kiss on the first date but Arthur made me feel butterflies whenever I was around him and I am at that age where I can decide. Gladly he excepted and kissed me back. The feeling of him smiling as well as kissing me was amazing. It felt like fireworks were happening. When we pulled apart he took my hand and opened the restaurant door. "M'lady our carriage awaits." Our hands never parted even when he was driving me back. We both had huge grind on our faces, my cheeks were hurting but I loved how he made me feel.

When we drove up to my house he let go of my hand for a second and I missed him! But he undone the door and as I got out he pinned me to the car door and we kissed passionately. Little did I know that Edna and Louis were waiting for me and saw the whole thing. "By the way Martie I like your outfit" he mumbled  against my lips. "Oh so I'm Martie now am I?" I teased he gave me a boyish grin in reply. "Well that means your Artie" we both chuckled at the same time. I glanced down at my watch and noticed that it was 12:00 we had been out for hours, but I didn't care. "I better go in now Artie" I said as my hands were at the base of his neck playing with the baby hairs "They're probably waiting for me, thank you for tonight I loved every second" "No problem Martie, next Friday were go to the picture ok? I nodded in agreement and leant up to kiss him again, I was missing that way his lips danced with mine.

I walked down the path to the front door and waved bye to him. He got in the car and drove off. As I unlocked the front door Duffy bounded over to me and knocked me on the floor licking my face while I laughed and told her to get off. And quick on her tail was Edna who looked excited "OMGGGGGG YOU KISSED HIM!" She squealed with delight as she helped me up behind her crept Louis who I totally forgot about. "Is he a good kisser? Tell me everything right now, I'm going to have to be a bridesmaid at your wedding." Edna kept rambling on. "Hi, look like the date went well"Louis stated. "Hi, yes it did thanks and to answer your rambling the date went exceptionally well and we did kiss and he's taking me to the pictures this Friday!" I squealed the last part still not believing everything that had happened. "We danced and drank and laughed and ate, the best date ever."

Louis looked over with a hint of sadness edged in his expression. "Night you two, I'm going to bed." And that was the end of the best night of my life.

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