Chapter 1- The sirens of the night.

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The distant bangs and crashes are nearing closer, like an animal creeping up on it's prey. Suddenly a loud bang erupted next to us. I laid there on the bed frozen down in terror on top of the damp mattress. The crystal sweat droplets sliding down my body making my clothes stick to me as if I was a drawing being stuck down on paper. We waited with uncertainty and dread in the small cramped air raid shelter in our back garden. The smell of damp silently drifting around my nose as if it was dancing to the tune of the screeching siren of uncertain death's or damages, little did we expect that this waiting game would become a big part of life, it was as if it was a chore waiting to be done. 

Unexpectantly a tremendous loud bang erupted next to us making our hearts jump up in to our mouths. Hoping and praying we weren't going to fall victim to this monster, we shuffled closer and started humming a tune to calm our nerves. It turnt out that Vera Lynn's 'Well meet again' was the tune we chose. The siren came to an abrupt halt and we waited holding our breaths and counting 1...2...3...4 "It's safe now you can come out" echoed all over the silent town. Doors opened and grief swayed harshly around the town. 

I Martha - June Jones had survived the bombing along with my mother Linda Jones and my two sisters Pollyanna and Edna Mai Jones.

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