Chapter 16 - Confessions.

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Authours note: Sorry everyone for this very very late chapter. I have finally finished my exams!! But I've been busy lately with college. This is a shirt chapter and I'm sorry about that but if any of you have any ideas for the next chapter or how you want the story line to go then please feel free to message me or comment. I was thinking maybe this could be a 2 part chapter ?.

It happened out the blue this morning. I was in the kitchen by myself when I heard footsteps approaching. I turnt quick on my heal to find Louis standing there in nothing but his briefs. He must of stayed the night once I went to bed. "Morning" he said in his rough groggy voice. "Morning, did you sleep well?" I ask as I make conversation. "Yeah I did thanks." He just stares at me afterwards. "Is everything ok Louis?" "No not really I have something I need to tell you." I gulp down the coffee I have made and nodded hastily.

"I can't stop thinking about you Martha-June, everyday every minute and every hour I think about you I know it sounds cliché but I think I have fallen in love with my girlfriends sister. As I lay asleep next to your sister I was imagining it was you. When I close my eyes I see you when I kiss her I imagine you, when I hold her it's you. All I can think of is you. I love you. When I saw you with my brother kissing that's when I realised." With those three words he inched forward. Our faces inches apart.

"Louis I'm not sure if you got any signals if so then you've mixed them, I am in love with your  brother. I can't do this to my sister. You can't do this to my sister. I can't do this to my sister.  Please all I've done is be nice to you."

That's when he locked his lips with mine. I pushed him back with all my strength but it didn't work. "Don't fight this, please" he pleaded. " I know this is what you've wanted." He was right I wanted this to happen to me, I used to dream of this scenario and now it's happening I hate it. "Maybe, but that was in the past, I was naive but I've realised this is not what I want. I want Arthur , I'm sorry."

With that I walked away from him and closed the door. I shut my eyes for a moment making sure not to let any tears spill. In those moments I knew that I would have to tell Edna and Arthur I knew this would ruin everything I have. Everything I wanted.

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