Chapter 22 - Night Of Passion.

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Arthur wakes me up in the middle of night by keep tossing and turning. I hold him tight and ask whats wrong, he can't stop thinking about what Georgina had done to him. I look into his green eyes and find myself smiling and taken back to when we first met. Our faces inches apart eye contact never broken. His lips slowly met mine, he was soft and gentle as if he was scared I'd pull away from this moment. Instead I kiss back with as much passion. I push him back and straddle him, I then start sucking on his sweet spot on his neck. He inhales sharply when I hit that spot. "Martha are you sure you want to do this?" I dont stop attacking his neck, instead of saying yes I move my hand down his chest, down to his boxers then slowly put my hand down in his boxers. I then cock my eyebrow and smirk as I start slowly stroking his semi hard cock. He moans a little when I feel his pre cum. The moan gets me wet, I get off him and move myself down so I'm eye to eye with his cock. I keep pumping him for a bit longer before I take him in my mouth. He rolls his head back and scrunches his eyes tight as he twitches. I decide to take things further. I stand up and whisper in his ear "Moan for me baby, let the neighbours know what I do to you." He looks at me and then goes back for a kiss. I tease him by giving him a peck and then going back onto my knees. I start licking from his shaft to his tip. Again I take him in my mouth and start bobbing my head up and down while my hand pumps the parts I can't reach. Arthurs hand instantly tangles in my hair, as he then starts pushing deeper in my throat. He moans so loud I praise him "Thats it baby, you sound so good".  My jaw starts hurting so I decide to take a quick breath, as I do so I start massaging his balls. I slowly got more wet from watching him I decide to move my hand down to my vagina and finger myself. Arthurs eyes are hooded with lust as he watches me finger myself. I moan his name softly while doing so. I take him back in my mouth,but this time I quicken the pace as I can feel myself  near an orgasm.

"Martha.... Oh god Martha"  he moans in between breaths. I go faster again. "I'm about to cum" he pants. "That's it Arthur cum , cum in mouth baby let me taste you" I pant. After a few more thrusts of his cock in my mouth I feel his warm salty cum dripping down my throat, the feeling of it also makes me cum all over my fingers. I swallow and stand back up. "Arthur baby look what you what you've done to me baby, you've made me cum all over my fingers, do you want to taste me?" I ask he nods. I slide my wet fingers in his mouth as he sucks of my cum from my fingers. The feeling makes me even more horny. He starts taking my bra and knickers off seductively stopping every now and then to kiss me. I decide to take them off myself to get it off quickly. I stand there exposed he looks me up and down hungrily. "You are amazing gorgeous". I blush as he looks past all of the stretch arks and cellulite that cover my bum, hips and inner thighs. He walks closer to me kissing my neck with his free hand he massages my already erected nipple , the feeling makes me about to cum again. He moves his hands away and I whimper, but it was soon cut off by him now sucking my nipple I grab the back of his head. "Arthur..... That ...feels good" I pant slowly. His kisses trail down my stomach to the inside of my thighs. His tongue flicks and circles my clit making me moan and gasp. I can feel him smile when my back arches up as I'm nearing the orgasm. "Fuck me Martha you taste like honey" he hums. I go to answer but my orgasm hits and makes me yank his head closer as I rub myself against his face. Once I've calmed down his head moves up and I can see my sweet juices all over his face. I smile softly at the sight of it. Arthur then hovers over me, slowly lining up his length with my now sensitive area. I bite down on my lip eagerly waiting for him to enter me. When he does I arch my back and grab onto his shoulder. He kisses my head and tells me he's about to start thrusting. I nod and kiss him so passionately. His thrusts quicken with his pace. It has me digging my nails into his back and scratching him. He moans at the feel. The once silent room is filled with the passionate moans and the sound of skin on skin. The headboard smacks the wall with every thrust and I'm sure we've woken up his neighbours with the noise but I don't care, I love the feeling. We both cum together. Both of our juices flowing down each other's body parts. We lay back down I lay down on his chest as a way to calm down from the pleasure we've shared. Once we've calmed down Arthur goes to get up but I pull him back. "Martha, I'm going to get a flannel to clean both of us up". I shake my head and he laughs. I push him back down and decide to lick my juices off of his cock, I hummed in pleasure when his breath quickened. I look up at him and agreed I tasted amazing. I walked to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I grabbed one of his spare t-shirts and slip it over my body and crawl next to him in bed. His arms go around my waist and he pulls me to face him. "Martha, can we try again?" "Yes"  "I love you Martie" "I love you Artie" I replied. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat slow down and I glance up to find he's fallen asleep I curl up into him more as I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Authors note: Hi guys, this is my first time ever writing SMUT! Let me know what you think so far. Do you think Martha was wrong? Or do you think her and Arthur meant to be?

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