Chapter 23 - Unsaid words.

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I woke to the sunlight streaming through the crack in the curtains, I groan lightly knowing my senses are starting to awake. I try to snuggle my head into the pillow but there was no use. When my senses alerted me I realised what had happened last night with Arthur. I decide to try and reach out for Arthur only to be left with the cold empty side of the bed.  I sit up and drag myself out of bed and managed to put some clothes on. I climbed the stairs slowly wondering where he could be. But every part of the house was empty, he didn't even have the decency to leave a note. I look at the time and I realised it 6:15 am so I quickly ran back to Pollyanna's to get some fresh clothes and head down to the shop to open.

4 hours into my shift the bell rings signalling the first customer of the day. In walks Arthur holding a bunch of roses with a slight smirk on his face. "Morning, where were you this morning? Thought you'd done a midnight run" I joked and he laughed. "No I had to go the factory this morning, it's where I've just come from". I nod not knowing what else to say. Part of me wants to talk about last night and the other part of me doesn't want to. I'm suddenly knocked out of my thoughts as I felt Arthur's soft lips on mine. I smile into the kiss, his hands roaming over my body know where this is going, I pull apart from the kiss earning a moan from Arthur I remove his hands. "If you go behind the till there's a little door on the left that's the store room go in ill shut the shop for five minutes if you think you can last that long and we're have round two of last night" I instruct, not even two seconds after I finish is Arthur already gone. I giggle knowing that at anytime my boss could walk in. I jog to the store room to find Arthur already naked wearing a stupid grin, but I couldn't help but smile.

(Time skip we all know what happens😉)

We dress ourselves but we steal kisses now and again between giggles. Just as we finished a knock at the door startles us I order Arthur to stay quite still and quiet which he eye rolls in return. Mrs. Robinson is stood at the door. "Is everything ok? The shop isn't normally closed" thankfully by the time me and Arthur finished it was lunchtime so I could lie and say I was on my own and needed a lunch break. Which she believed. She brought a few dresses then left. Arthur suddenly sneaked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I've got to get back to the factory now so I'll see you tonight, oh and Martha" "Yes Arthur" " I saw in the store room that you sell lingerie, the royal blue lace set with stockings and skirt would look sexy on you for tonight " he said with a smirk. I blush so hard and bid him a farewell. 

My shift was coming to an end and so was the time for the shop to be shut for the night. So I decided to go into the store room and purchase the royal blue lingerie Arthur said would look good on me. I decided to wear it underneath the clothes and then surprise Arthur later. Just as I come out of the store room I hear the door go and there stood a young boy no younger than 15. "Hello, were closing in a bit is everything ok?" "Miss, miss is ya name Martha-June are you Arthur's girlfriend?" "Yes, I am Martha-June and yes I am Arthur's girlfriend what's going on?" "Miss you need to come to the factory there's been an accident". My heart drops and questions flood my mind. Is Arthur ok? Is Arthur even involved in the accident? I run down the street multiple sirens are echoing multiple ambulances are zooming past.

I run inside the factory as its still open. My eyes dart around the room. I notice one of the machines have been pulled out. I shout Arthur's name not knowing if I have ran past Arthur outside. I hear my name being called, I run in that direction. My eyes weren't ready for what I saw. Arthur was lead on the floor with blood surrounding him. I start crying and hold him. "Arthur, what happened? Can I have some help please" I scream the last part. I keep pressing kisses to his forhead. "Martha, Martha listen I love you ok, I will never stop loving you remember when we said that we can't be sure on when we go, well my time has come and sadly I'm going." "No no no A........Art..... Arthur you can't leave me, you can't I went and purchased that lace set Arthur I'm wearing it now, if you go how are you suppose to know what I look like in it." I stutter choking on my tears. He silences me by giving me one last kiss along with a little smirk when he can feel the corset through my dress. "I love you Martie". That's when his eyes close and his breathing goes away. I scream and scream and scream. The paramedic rushes over along with a policeman the paramedic checks for a pulse and shakes his head letting the policeman know that he is gone. The policeman lifts me up when my legs go from under me. They place a white sheet over him on the stretcher before they take him out. I follow behind them in complete silence. 

I have to wait a little time before I can go in and view the body. I realise that I never told him I loved him before he died he told me twice he loved me and each time I was to stupid to tell him that I loved him no instead what did I do I argued with him instead of telling him I loved him. Why didn't I tell him that I loved him? What happens if he thinks I didn't love him? I best myself up about not telling him I love him. It eats away at me on the inside. They call me in to view his body. It's still warm to the touch. I press a kiss to his lips " I love you to the Stars the moon and back Arthur, you were the first man I truly loved you were the light in my dark days, you were the Angel when I needed belief, you were my strength when I was weak. You were my everything Arthur I never knew how much you meant to me until you were gone. I love you Artie, I love you, why did you leave me? Why did you go?" I cry pressing kisses to the warm skin. My time with Arthur was interrupted when his sister and brothers come in. I decide to leave them to it. I decide to leave the hospital and leave behind the one thing I loved. And leave behind my heart. I slowly stroll back but I don't go home how can I. It's scary how time can change in a split second how happiness can turn into grief.

Hi guys! I haven't updated in a while. This chapter is about how how time can change in an instant. I've had my own experience how time can change and I'm sure a lot of you have. And how time is a precious thing and to always say the words you want to your loved ones.The next chapter will be the last chapter in this story! I'm struggling to carry on with this books as I'm not sure what route to take, but I decided on this route and to end the story with 24 chapters instead of the original of 30. I also want to say thank you and much love to all the people that have read this book so far. Much love to all of you!❤️

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