Chapter 8 - The morning after.

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We finally made it home, it just felt empty as if it was like a hotel a place that you call home for a day or two. Memories surrounded us like we were being held captive in a place we didn't know. It's like a nightmare, I have to keep reading it over and over again to believe it. Mother and Edna and Pollyanna haven't spoken since last night. I try my hardest to make them smile, I woke up this morning and made them breakfast and fed the chickens and done all the gardening on the farm so they had time to sit and let last night sink in, but it hasn't worked.

The local milkman came round this morning and offered us his sympathy. It's funny really how one man can cause so much heartbreak in a house, but as they say life must go on as usual. And that's what I'm trying to do but it's not working.

There sending the body back soon and we have to wait a week to do the funeral. I don't think I'll be able to cope with that. But for now the only thing I can cope with is putting on a brave face.

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