Chapter 24 - Holding on to Heaven.

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Authors note: Hey you guys, this is the last chapter and I want to  say a massive thank you everyone who has read this story and who had voted on this. There is mentions of suicide so please read if you want. 

As Oscar Wilde once quoted "The heart was made to be broken". But what he never quoted was how many times you were supposed to have it broken. A loud thud erupted from the upstairs room of Martha's farm house. Screams and sobs were heard on that dark gloomy day. I heard Arthur's footsteps coming up the stairs but I know this time it will be different I will be in his arms once more and until then I won't let the clouds ruin my sunshine.

It had been a few months since Arthur's death and to say that I was coping was an understatement. His funeral was big a lot of people attended and it was very peaceful how he would of enjoyed it. As I sat in that church listening to the priest saying word memories flooded my brain, memories of Arthur and me, memories that I wished never stopped I wish it had frozen in time at least all the heartbreak wouldn't happen.

A lot had happened since the funeral I got promoted to being manager of the dress shop. I decided to change it in to a flower shop. I called it Precious Thymes after all the precious times Arthur had brought me flowers. (Cheesy I know, sorry guys!) . Pollyanna and William had a little baby girl and they called her Ava-Doris. She is so stunning she has the blondest curls with the biggest blue eyes and the cutest button nose you could imagine and the darkest long eyelashes. She was perfect in every way you could imagine. She was the light in the darkest time. I became her godmother which I was excited about. She brought a smile to my face whenever she could. She is about 3 years old now and she enjoys running through the village. Sometimes she helps me with the shop by picking up the flowers and telling me which ones smell the best. She loves daffodils so every day after the shop closes I put together a bunch for her to take home to Pollyanna and William.

The worst part of the day for me is night time. I still spray his pillow with the cologne he uses. When it runs out I buy a new one. I close my eyes and let myself be at peace. But it's the same dream every night. Arthur has made us a picnic but weve drove to a field that is full of lilies in the valley. We take place underneath a big tree that sits all alone. We laugh and kiss and cuddle but then it starts raining so we run, we run to a little cottage and take shelter. Theres a little fire place that Arthur lights up and we take our clothes off to dry them, and we make love right there in front of the fire place and after weve washed ourselves we lay cuddled up in a blanket on the sofa. But then all of a sudden the cottage collapses into rubble. I wake up screaming in a cold sweat. It's a repeated cycle. I wish it would end I wish that I was with Arthur again.

Well today is a new day, a fresh start. Ava-Doris was sat on the little stool I keep in the florist drinking her bottle of water. As usual a customer came in and brought flowers as they normally do. Mrs Mccolls came in with her son to buy some flowers to give a grieving family. Apparently Kirsty Smithers had committed suicide by drinking bleach, I burst out in sobs me and Kirsty were close. I could never understand why someone wanted to committee  suicide before, but when you lose the ones you love, you want them back or you want to go to them. It was a sad time to hear about this, so I sent my condolences and said I'd do the flowers for free at her funeral saying that was the least I could do after everything Kirsty has done for me. Luckily Ava-Doris has gone in the backroom for a nap so she didn't hear and ask questions. After hearing the news I couldn't stop thinking about it, I couldn't stop thinking about what Kirsty was thinking in her final moments, did she want to die? Did she have a choice? Was it an easy option for her? Kirsty was always lighting up a room she walked in, she was a stunning girl with a big personality and the humour to match. She was very well liked, she was married to a man called James. James died serving for Queen and Country, just like my father. I suppose thats how we knew each other, we both supported each other through the hardest of times. I kept asking myself why she never came and told me what she was feeling, if she did then maybe she would still be alive. Maybe it was hard for her to explain her thoughts, but I broke me.

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