I'll play with you

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Felix POV

I woke up in the clinic-.


I immediately stood up but my head is really killing me.

Aish! Who was that girl?! She really has a nerve to do this to me!

"Uhh, miss who bring me in here"i asked her.

"Uhh.. I-I saw you laying in the ground earlier so I-i picked you up and bring you here." ohh... So she helped me huh.

"ohh Thank you, I better go now." I walked out in the clinic and the teachers we're panicking.

Whats happening?!

"Miss! Miss! What happen?" i asked

"Hyunjin amd the others are in trouble." she said

"What do you mean they're in trouble?!" Whats the meaning of this?!

"Where are they now?" I asked her

"In the nearby hospital."

"Ok thank you."

I immediately run to the hospital and saw all of them wounded and some of them are being shot.

"W-What happen?!" I asked them.

"They got us good huh." woojin said

"What do you mean?" i said

"You need to search about them felix, they maybe not just a regular student's" Hyunjin said.

"Huh?" I'm so fuckin confused

"Their are 3 transferred students. Asahina,Ansatsuki,and Miyamura right" he said.

"Ok i get it I'll be back tomorrow"i said and run to my car.

Fuck it! She really got me good huh.

"Jihoon Give me all the informations about Momotsuki Asahina, Hinata Akatsuki, Shiro Miyamura ASAP." i said.

"You want to play huh? Then I'll play you with." I smirked

Momotsuki's POV

I really got them good huh, I Was expecting something amazing.

I was about to go outside but.

A gun and they're running towards here.

"Shiro, Hinata. Ready all your daggers and guns someone's coming" I said


I put a hundreds of daggers inside my jacket, Luckily Yvo gave me the light daggers so i can bring a hundreds of them.

50 daggers in my left leg and same as my right leg.

So this is how you play huh felix.

"Fu kohei na (Not fair)" I smirked

"You guys ready?" i asked them

'We were born ready!'They said

"Thats good then, put your masks now" i siad

Let the game begging Dumb ass

As they entered our house, I throw a smoke bomb to cover us up.

I throw them a signal to kill all this bastards.

I did not know Yvo is really fuckin rich!

I throw daggers at them boringly.

"Ahh tsumanai-no(So boring)" I said boringly

They guy looked at me, he was about to attack me but i got him first.

I stuck a knife inside his head.

"Whoa!! Bloods everywhere! Ahh!! Omoshiroi (Interesting)."

"Saisei Deki Masu (Let's play) Felix-kun." I whispered and let my bloodlust runs wild.

Felix POV

as expected, she know's.

I was Smiling like a devil reading some infromations about her.

"Rank 2 assassin? Interesting." I smirked

"What are you going to do now?" Changbin hyung asked

"You guys stay out of this." i calmly said

"What are saying?! What do you mean stay out?!" seungmin asked, he's really angry.

"She wants to play then I'll play with her." i simply said.

"But you cant beat her!" Jeongin said.

I already know that, so this is how It ends huh. So what? Like i care if i die anyway.

"I know."I said

"But what are you doing right now?!" changbin hyung asked.

"Like i said I'll play with her with my own hands" I said

"Your playing fair with her?! But you never play fair when it comes to this felix?! What happen to you?!" they said.

"Does it bad to play fair?" i smiled at them.

"Your playing fair in this kind of situation?" I was surprised when I heared that voice.

I immediately look at the front door and saw her standing in there.

They all got their guns and knife and point it out to her.

"Ohh is that how you greet your guess?" she said and she's smirking.

"What are you doing here?" i asked her

"Nothing much, I just want to negotiate with you" she said and smirked

"Like I would." I said

"Ohh, lets have a deal then." she smirked

"tss. Like what?"

"I'll give you this chip"she was holding a CHIP-THATS NOT JUST A REGULAR CHIP!

It's my fathers chip!

"h-How did you get that?" How did she find it!

"Hmm... Should I say.... I KILLED YOUR FATHER" she smirked like a devil.

"you killed my father?" I asked her coldly

"Ohh dont be mad, I actually returned the favor"

I snapped my finger's to signal to attack her.

So they did but.....

They cant keep up with her they ended up wounded again.

"Stop playing like a baby, your the boss now right? How does it feel?" she asked and laughed like a devil.

"You monster"

"Ohh no! I'm not a monster, YOU ARE!" she shouted.

"Why are you doing this asahina" i looked at her even though i know i cant keep up with her.

"Hmm, let's just say... Your father killed my parents infront of me. Would you believe me?" she said

"Of course not" I said like mimicking

"Of course not because you weren't there DUMB ASS" she said and shot my leg

This is my end. But shit I dont want to end like this!

"Good bye felix"

I thought This is the end.

But I didn't feel anything when i heared a gun shot.

"Stop messing with my plans bitch" I knew that voice! Thats...

To be Continued~

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