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Felix Pov

It's been two days since she got unconscious and she's still not waking up and a part of me is kind of happy that I can still see her and hold her hand while she's not awake but a part of me you really missed her and I want her to wake up but if she does I'll be stop seeing her and maybe that's all I can do for now. But I'll watch her from afar take care of her from afar protecting her from afar and that's all I can do.

Because that's what we agreed up the first place anyway and if I did disobey her dad, he'll probably take her away from me and it has a possibility that I can see her when she's with her dad. But what if I take her away from here, I mean it's not like I'm running away you with her but I really wanted to be with her-NO! Felix you can't think like that you'll be with her in a month from now on maybe all I can do for now it's to wait.

I was holding her hand while looking at her, I really want to explain everything to her but I can't, not now.

"Momo, I need you to wake up. I missed you already please wake up. Everyone is waiting for you, everybody missed you and so am I. Wake up please..... I love you... So much." I said and hold her hand tighter

I felt her finger twitched...

I think that I was just hallucinating but I wasn't...

"DOC! DOC! Hinata! Hyunjin! Call the doctor say that Momo is awake." I said and held her hand.

"Thank god, your waking up. Thank you momo,thank you so much." I said and kissed her forehead I was so happy but my greatest fear just tapped my back.

"Felix, it's time." he said

I guess it's really time to say goodbye...

I walked out of the room but when I stepped outside i didn't hold my tears, I burst out of tears and lean my back at the wall.

They all went inside leaving me outside.

"Momo your awake I'm so happy."

"How are you momo? Is there something wrong with your body? Are you in pain?" Shiro said

" Where's felix?" She asked and everyone turned silent, no one talk...

"He... He never visited you momo." Shiro said

What!? What are you talking about! I'm here!
I waa about to enter but hyunjin stopped me.

"Why?" I asked

"It's for the better felix. Let's just go home and rest." He said and walked ahead of me

I looked back and walked away..

Good bye momo, I'll see you in a again


Momotsuki's POV

When shiro said that Felix didn't visit me it's like my world shattered, why am I expecting that he would still care about me? Just because he chased after me on his engagement party? Don't be so naive momotsuki he doesn't care about you.

"Momo, you need to eat." hinata said as she place the food on the table

"Thanks." I smiled at her, she smiled back

"I'm going out for a minute I'll be back." She said

I start eating and I don't feel anything again.

Am I starting to go back to my old self again?

'What if you are momo? What would you do?' my inner talked

"If I'd go back to my old self again so be it. It's better that way and besides I never felt this way before until he made me like this." I said and continue eating

'Well if that's what you want then I don't have any intention to stop you.' she said

Yeah, you wouldn't.

I finished eating, I lean ny head on the wall and looked around and saw a knife.

I took it "It's been a while old friend." I murmured and played with it.

do you think I would slit my pulse? Of course not.

Since I'm bored I get out of my room and go the garden.

I sit on the bench and looked up in the dark sky.

"Ahh I want to kill." I murmured and looked at the knife and of course I'm not going to kill anybody around here even though i want to and besides killing is the only way to make me feel better.

I looked at around and saw a few couples around.

Why does it looks so disgusting now?

"Hey." someone talked at my back

"Hey?" I said

"alone?" he asked

"Isn't it obvious mr.?" I said and he start laughing. "What? Did I said something funny?" I raised a brow at him

"Do you think I'm a boy?" She said while she's still laughing

"Of course you are look at your style and-" I cut off my words and realized what this person said

"Well unfortunately miss, I'm a girl. Allow me to introduce myself.  I'm Kuroba nagisa.from black organization." She said

"Ohh... I'm-" She cutt me off

"Momotsuki Asahina, yeah I know. You too Many faces in this world because of your infamous skills in killing." She said

"Yeah, your right." I said

"You know some times I envy you." She said

"Why?" I looked at her

"Well, you know I've been following your skills since I was little but then I realize why am I copying someone that I'm not. So I stop trying to be you and be myself." She said and looked at the knife I was holding

"May I?" She asked and I gave her the knife and she throw it at the tree behind me

"Ryuu, it's mission accomplish." She said and looked at me "It's nice meeting you momotsuki-san, I hope we'll meet again and please don't let your guard down next time. If you want someone to talk to just give me an email." He said and give a paper with her email on it.

I looked at me back and saw a dead body, the knife was landed on his head and there's a picture of me.

Was this man tried to kill me? why can't I feel it?

I walked nowhere and saw him...

"Felix?" I called out

He looked at me

"What are you doing here?" I asked

He snapped out and started talking "I'm here because of my mom, don't assume anything." He said

"I know. Now tell me felix did you love me?" I asked out of nowhere

I want him to say he didn't love me to satisfy myself.

"Huh? Of course I did not! So fuck off I'm busy." He said and walked away while looking at his phone

"Okay, that's all I wanted to hear." I said and walked away...

Fuck it hurts....

Kill Him|Lee Felix|Stray Kids FanficWhere stories live. Discover now