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WARNING: This chapter is a bit Lime like Bs but not really just slight. Ehehe ENJOY READING!

Momotsuki's POV

I woke up when felix woke up in the middle of the night.

"Hey fe-.... Inner felix." I smirked

"Ohh, good thing you didn't forgot about me." he said and shrugged

"Oh and by the way you can put down the knife behind you, I'm not going to kill you. By the way why did you wake up?" I asked

"Now your talking casually to me, and I also got bored inside. How is he without me?" He asked

"Well sad to say he's doing good without you." I said

"Does that mean he doesn't need me?"

"Well, I don't know maybe he still needs you when he's having a hard time with himself, so you better look out for him."

"You know, you're different from felix ex, wanna know why? It's because when she found out about me she left him, she got scared and run away from him. that's why I'm not letting him get another girl to break his heart. But you, you didn't you even accept me. Even though I tried to kill you when we first met." He said

"You know what, I don't really care if felix have many personalities or whatever I will still love him and I also accept you because your part of him. I love how he treated me, I love how he cares about me and my missions, so in short I love everything about him, and even you. You resemble him, you completed him of who he really is, you complete everything about him and I should thank you for protecting him." I said and smiled at him, he just chuckled

"Your so different, I hate to say this but I want you to look after him and love him for who he was, please don't leave him. I don't want to see him broken and sulking around and giving me his broken body. I should go now he might wake up now." He said and kissed my forehead  "Good night my lady." He said and closed his eyes

I layed down beside him and go back to sleep.


Felix POV

I woke up when the sun rays touched my face, I felt someone beside me I saw Momo sleeping Peaceful besides me, I slowly get up and washed my face.

I get out of the bathroom and looked at her, she's still sleeping.

"Hey love, it's time to wake up." I kissed the crook of her neck

She just groaned

I wrapped my around her waist and bury my face to her neck.

"Hmm, Felix what time is it." She lazily asked

"It's 8:30 in the morning."

"It's still too early." She wrapped her arms me

"You should wake up now, I'm going to make our breakfast now so let's go."I grabbed her hand to sit her up

"No felix, I'm still sleepy." She whined

"Come on now love let's go."

"I'm still sleepy, you wake me up earlier and now because of you I fell asleep 5 A.M." She said

I wake her up? But I can't remember waking her up-.........

I got alarmed and checked her she has no bruise she's alright.

"I'm fine felix, I just talk to him now let me sleep."

She looks fine, there's nothing to worry about, I guess.

"Okay then, let me sleep with you." I hugged her from behind

"No felix-" She cut off and looked at me half naked

"Enjoying to view love?" I smirked

"Well, You look hot in the morning." She said and kissed me, I kissed her back.

I hands roam around her body, I bit her lower lip and she let out a soft moan. I don't know what's gotten into me I slipped a hand inside her shirt.

"He Felix, Momo its time to-............" Jisung stopped and Immediately closed the door and say "I'M SO SORRY FOR DISTURBING." He ran away.

I looked at momo, she's blushing.

"Hey, your blushing." I teased

"Shut up, that was to embarrassing! He wasn't suppose to see that!" she said and looked away

I got off her and locked the door

"Should we continue?" i smirked at her

"You want to?"

"Now you want to have a match with me?"

"Sure, what kind of match is that."

"Who moaned first lose and the winner will do eveything what he or she does to his or her body." I smirked at her

"Su-" I didn't let her finished when I immediately kissed her lips.

I slipped my tongue inside her mouth, she's trying not to let a moan so won't lose.

I slowly bit her lip and finally shs let out a soft moan.

"You lose, I win." I Smirked

"You bit it! That's unfair."

"You moaned I just but it gently and besides I didn't know that was you soft spot." well I actually know it but, it's good to lie to her when it comes to this, she can't think.

"Fine! What do you want to do?" she asked

"let me dive to your inner part." I said and kissed her again, I slipped a hand inside her shirt and start massaging her  breasts.

Ahh shit it's so soft, her skin are so soft.

I slightly pinched her nipple and she moaned

"Felix, Momotsuki that's enough, let's eat our breakfast." I heard hinatad voice from the door

"You heard her."

"But.... I haven't finished yet."

"Stop whining felix, you already had it. Now let's go." She saw about to go when i grab her wrist and let her sit on my lap



"I love you."

"I love you too, felix. I love everything about you." she said and smiled

"Can you promise me one thing?" I asked

"Hmmm? What is it?"

"Don't leave me." That's all wht I'm asking for momo.

"Don't worry, I won't. If you really insist that you want me to stay out of your life, then I will. I'll respect your decision." She said

"I won't do that, Never." I said and helped her to stand up

"Did you enjoyed it earlier." I smirked at her and she looked away

"Yeah so what if I am?" She looks like a spoiled kid, I just chuckled at her reaction and  kissed her forhead.

Ahh I'm such a lucky Bastard to have her.

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