I Love you too.

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Momotsuk's POV

Felix is whining all night and it was really Fuckin annoying! It's like I want to strangle him to death to shut Him up, but it was fun seeing him like that so I take a video so he could see how ANNOYING he was.

After an hour of his whining and some shitty acts he fell asleep and that was a good thing.

He look so peaceful when his sleeping, he looks so harmless.

But come and think of it this is a great timing to kill him and that's what I'm going to do tonight.

"Let's see if you'll let your Guard down." I grabbed a knife and About to stab him but he grab my arm and pinned me down.

"Ahh... It's been a while to be out in this body." He said and looked at me.

"Ohh, you must be his new prey for me, ahh felix really love me." ehh? What the hell is he talking about?

"What the hell are you talking about?" I seriously don't get it.

"Ehh? You don't know me? Felix didn't tell you about me?! Aishh! This boy really." He sighed and looked at me then smiled

"Well, let me introduce myself, I'm felix his inner self." He said and winked

Huh? Inner self? Should I punch this guy so he could get his senses back?

"Huh? Are you crazy? Or the alcohol is still infecting you. Or maybe your taking drugs maybe your high right now?" I seriously want to kill for saying such non sense things.

"Well, I'm saying the truth." He said and unbuttoned his shirt.

"H-Hey! Felix what do you think your doing?!" I felt like my face is heating up!

"Relax, I won't do anything. Unless..." He looked at me. "You want me to do something." He said and smiked

"Ohh are you challenging me?" I smirked back at him

He leaned closer to my face. "Well, what if I am?"

This isn't felix.

He don't accept challenge from me and he won't ask challenges from anyone.

Maybe this is really him.

I'm starting to like his inner self.

"Sure." I said

"Very well then. Let's start the challenge." He stood up

I just nod

"My challenge for is try to scratch me with this knife." He took out a knife from his back. "And I'm not going to attack you back, Felix might not going to let me out again because I might kill his beloved girlfriend...... Again."He said and looked down.

Again? Kill his beloved girlfriend again? What does that mean?

I was about to say something.

"Let's stop this chit chat and let's Start." He throw the knife at me.

I catched it as I run forward to him.

"I must say, that was impressive. But that isn't enough." He said and kicked me.

Shit, I was caught off guard.

"You shouldn't get your guard down. That might kill you." He said and laughed.

What the hell?! Is he insulting me?!

I run towards him again and try to cut his skin even a little but he's way too fast for me.

"Is that all you've got? You're not suitable for felix." He said and smirked

What? I'm not.... Suitable.... For him?.........

"Huh? I'm not suitable for him?" I let out my bloodlust, it's been a while since I used this.

"Ahhh, a bloodlust huh? How impressive, but still. Not enough." He smirked

I've had enough of you!

I grabbed my knife but he Dodge it. I threw the knife on him and it hit the tree behind him.

I cut his arm.

"I guess I win." I hit the back of his neck. "Good night felix." I said

Ahh good thing I recorded it.

I take hum back to my room.

Why didn't he tell me about this? Is he hiding something from me?

He didn't tell me about his inner self and....

What his inner self said to me earlier flash back to my head.

"Felix might not going to let me out again because I might kill his beloved girlfriend...... Again."

Does this mean he has a girlfriend before?

But he didn't tell me?

I looked at him.

Felix what are you hiding? It's been a month but still..... I don't get you. I can't read what are thinking. I don't really know anything about You.

"I want.... To know more.... About you." Those words suddenly came out to my mouth.

He stir and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Momo, why are still awake?" he said and yawned

"Nothing, go back to sleep." I said

I was about to sleep on the couch but he suddenly hold my hand.

"Sleep with me." He said

I just looked at him.

It took me for like a minute to get what he said and then I felt my face went so warm.

"Sleep with me momo." He really don't want to let go of my hand so I guess I don't have any choice.

I climb in the bed and sleep beside him.

He comfortably hugged me and he go back to sleep.

There's too many questions running in my head about you felix and it cannot be answered if you won't tell me.

I can't help but to smile at him, his really mysterious and that's what I like about him....

"I love you Momo." I looked at him and he looks like his just sleep talking

I kissed his forehead and smiled.

"I Love You Too. Felix."

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