His Girlfriend and His parents past

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Momotsuki's POV

I waited in Sunday's Café for like 5 minutes now I bet he's not going cuz his lying to me.

Calling Juuzou....

'I'm on my way dimwit she's just preparing.' he sounds irritated

"I've been waiting for like 5 minutes juzo, if you won't show up in 10 minutes, I won't helo you." I said and hung up

"Is he going?" Felix asked

"Yeah, he is. Probably." he really want me to help him so bad, why is he so desperate this time? As long as I know he's breaking girls hearts for an unknown reason.

After a few minutes the dumbass finally showed up.

"You took so long?" I said, he just simply point his thumb to a gorgeous girl at his back.

"I got to say, you have good eyes on girls." I smirked

"I told you I have a girlfriend." He said and sit at the chair in front of us and he just sit.... JUST.... SIT!

"Juuzou.... Your fuckin...."

"What?" He just looked at him

"You fuckin dumbass! You just sit in there not knowing that your girl is just standing there!" Ahh I hate boys like that

Felix just stood up and like, he escort her to sit and she smiled at him like she's dissapointed.

"So tell me what's your name sweetheart?" I asked

"I'm Irish Lim from Lim agency I'm 18 years old I also have a twin Iris margot Lim." she said and smiled

"So what's your work?"

"I'm working on our family business and I'm also an assassin I terminate who's getting in our way." She simply said

"I must say your impressive but still, I'm not buying it." I smirked at him

"What!? Why?! You said I just need to show you." he half shouted

"And what if your lying?" Smirked

"What if I'm not?!"

"Then prove it to me."

"How!? should we make out in front of you?"

"Keep your fuckin voice down they'll hear you, you fuckin dimwit and besides it's nasty." I said

"Fine, then what should we do to make your believe m-.. I mean us." He said

"Kiss her." I looked at her and she's blushing...

"Wha!?-..... Fine." He slowly lean closer but she grab hus collar and kissed him, he looks so shock at the moment.

"Was that kiss satisfied you ma'am?" She said and smiled at me sweetly.

"Yeah, I'll help you juzo."

"see? I told you they'll approve to you." juzo said and smiled at at her

"Thank you Rei." Wait what?

"Wait... Hold that up! What did you call him?" I asked

"Rei, it's his second name since all people calling him on his first name." She said

Wow... That's so special...

"We'll get going, she has a lot of things to do." He said, he hold her hand as they walk out of the shop

"They make a great couple." Felix said and wrapped his arm around ny shoulder

"I know right, but... I feel bad at that girl." I said

"Hmm? Why is that?" He asked and kissed the top of my head

"Well, Juuzou is not feeling the same way... I mean like that girl really loves him and he's just an asshole that doesn't know the worth of girls." it's actually true, Even though I know that they're just pretending but that girl is hiding to juuzou, I can feel that she really adore and loved him but she know the real deal, that juuzou isn't going to love her back.

"You know, Juuzou's feelings will change sooner or later." Felix said and start the car's engine

"You sure about that?"

"Yeah, That girl is really know how to make moves on guys and is she or she isn't hiding it from us but for me she's hiding to juuzou that she loves him, she's so dissapointed when I let her sit instead of juuzou. That was actually epic." He said and chuckled "But juuzou will realize when it's too late, when Irish will be tired of him, when she's tired of hurting herself for a man who doesn't know her worth." He said

I looked at him, what he said is deep.

"You already tried that kind of relationship?" I can't help but to ask

"Nope, My dad did." he said and smiled "my mom loved my dad since high school to collage. Then ny dad asked my mom out when they we're in collage and then they became lovers but then my mom found out that she was just part of their game, it's a dare game that if you won't do it you'll pay a million dollars so ny dad did it cuz he doesn't want to pay a million dollars and my mom looks like my dad's first love or something. When mom found that out she immediately break up with my dad and then my dad tried to explain everything to mom but she wouldn't listen to him anymore. Mom said she was devastated at that time, she isn't going to school like once in a week or twice after a month of crying she flew to Australia to move on but my mom didn't realize that she was pregnant with my dads child. She even said that she's not going to lie that she want to abort me but she didn't do it, I'm the fruit of their love or so." He chuckled abd continued "When I was 6 years old I learned how to hold a gun and I learn it myself abd she was shocked and you know I'm jealous of those kids who has father beside them while I don't and that time I asked my mom if I have a dad and she said yes she said he's in Korea, when she told me about my dad I was so happy know that my dad is still alive." He said and smiled

"So thats why your here in Korea because of your dad?" I asked

"Yes." He simply said

I just hold his hand and smiled at him.

"I'm glad you told me about this things Felix." I said

"Your welcome love." He said and kissed my forehead and start driving.

To be continued...



kkkaayyy that's all for this chapter! I hope you liked it! Happy reading everyone!❤

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