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Momotsuki's POV

After we ate,they took me like everywhere then after that hectic touring around and some shits. They finally take to the organization.

The Black Organization

It's kinda look creepy though... But the hell I care this is my new Wallet anyway.

"Is The old crappy pants is available?" She asked

Crappy pants? Is that how she address her keeper?

"Well, that's how she call her dad cause she said that it's awkward to call him 'Dad'." He said without looking at me

I raised a brow, is this guy can read minds?

"I can't read minds, it's just I can read your expression." He said and walked ahead

Ohh.... Now I can't hide my expression? That's odd...?

"Let's go Momo-san! Dad is available today. Lucky you." She said and grabbed my hand

We took an elevator 9th floor where her dad's office locate...

"Crappy pants! His partner is here!" She said

"Your too loud Kuroba." Akasaka hissed.... Wait... Was that his name? Or Akasuki? Aka.... Well I don't care.

"Ohh so your Momotuski right? The Queen of all killers?" He said and smirked

"Well I didn't know that they call me that... But maybe." I said and shrugged

"Ohhh now you know, so are you ready to meet your partner?" He asked and I just nod

A long haired boy appeared with.... A very...... Average face... I'm dissapointed....

"I'm Shiroka Nagisa nice to meet you." He said and showed his flashy smile.

Ugh, I'm starting to hate this job.

Should I try this one or not? Maybe it's worth to try.

They talked with his sister and I looked at the knife.

I immediately get it and throw it at him and the knife hit the wall at his back.

"Hey old man." I looked at him coldly

"Uhh... Y-yes?"

"Did you train him?" I asked

"Y-yes... I did." He said

"You sure?"

"Yes. I trained him" He said and I looked at my partner

"You should Sharpen your senses. Or else your going to die in a battle field." I said and looked back to the old man

"Where am I staying?" I asked

"Uhh... In the shikuso Dorm."

When he told me where I'm staying I can't help my voice to raise.

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