It hurts

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Momotsuki's POV

I woke up in my bed and body is aching like hell.

"Felix-..." Ohh right.. He broke up with me yesterday and I suddenly burst out of tears.

It hurts.. Its hurts a lot, I can't believe he actually set a trap, I thought someone could really love a girl like me.

'Your a monster'

'Your a monster'

'Your a monster'

His words keep repeating in my head, he said I'm a monster and now he's with another girl who he really loves and their engaged.

"I shouldn't be hurting like this if I listened to you."

" I told you it's just a trap, I told you not to fall so hard for him and I also told you not to GIVE everything to him! Now look at you. You look so fuckin pathetic crying for that guy." my inner self scold me inside my head and she's right, I gave everything to him even my First.... I gave everything... I let myself hurt to someone like him.

"Help me move on." My voice sounds like I'm begging

" I'm sorry Momo, I want to help you but I can't. I'm letting you learn what have you done to yourself and to know that never trust anyone but to yourself."

She's right, I can only help myself. it's my mess, it's my fault that I'm crying and hurting like this.

Suddenly my phone rings and I was hoping that it was felix and say he's just kidding, that he's just making a prank...

'Calling Shiro'

But I was wrong... This is the reality, no one could ever love someone like me.

I just laughed at myself while I was crying...

I heard a knock at my door but I didn't say anything

"Momo? It's time to eat." I heard Juuzou said

"I'm full." I simply said

"Momo, you haven't eat since earlier and I think-" he was about to say something but I cut him off

"I told you I'm full!" I accidentally raised my voice to him

"Ohh... O-okay, I'll tell mom and dad then." He said and closed the door

I walk towards the bathroom and saw a little knife in a cup... I slowly get the knife.

Maybe it's time to end this

"Hey! Momotsuki! What the hell are you doing!?" I just look at ny inner self in the mirror, yes I can see her reflection in the mirror.

"it's time to end this, He doesn't love me anymore."

"Fuck momotsuki! It doesn't mean he don't love you anymore you'll be ending your life like this!? He's not the only guy who loves you! There's shiro and hinata. They always loved you momo, do you think ending your life would be the solutions in your problems?!."

"What do you think is the good idea to stop hurting myself then? Tell me?" I'm back with my cold voice again

"Give me your body, I'll be working on your body while YOU! inside will be moving on without harming yourself! Forget about that guy! He's not worth it! Do you understand!?" I can really depend on her.

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