He's sick

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I woke up this morning and my head is killing me, I feel so tired and I breath heavily.

I came to school with a bad shape.
I dont want to talk to people right now.

"Its look like the BOSS is in a bad shape today huh." She mimicking me now.

"Shut up." I was about to s throw her a knife but-.

"Dont do that in here, Someone's watching" she said.

"Tsk, stop making a racket." im really pissed off right now.

"I'm not, look at that girl outside." She said and lay her head back in the table and mumbled

"Watashi wa anata no jikan kuru toki korosu." I looked at her

Huh? What is she talking about?

Tch. Who cares? I only know Korean and English.

I look outside and saw-....
What the hell is she doing here?!

momotsuki's POV


I woke  up because of the bell.

I saw Felix walking like a.... Drunk?

I was just observing him but he suddenly fall into the ground.

Ehh? What happen?

I was just looking at him and do nothing, I was about to leave but.

I cant just leave him like that, I sighed

"Mendoksai." I picked him up and wondering if i could bring him to our home.

"Sensei-I mean miss, I'll bring felix home. He fever is high." i said.

A moment of silence

"Miss I'm talking to you."

"Ohh sorry, yes you can bring him home."

Tch. I really hate talking to people like them.

I'll just bring him to my house, if i bring him to his house I'll ended up killing myself.

So I decided to go to my house so I could take care of this dumb ass felix here.

As we arrived to my house.

I lay let him stay to the guest room,

I'm wondering, Why Am I helping this shit?

Dont tell me-... No thats not going to happen.

I frowned to myself.

I'll just Cook porridge for him, He's going to my next target anyways.

Felix POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar place.

This isn't my room.

Where Am I?

I immediately stood up.

I look everywhere and saw, Asahina leaning against the wall and she's crossing her arms.

"Ohh the boss is awake."

"Where am I."

"Obviously in my guest room." she boringly said.

"Why did you bring me here." Im looking at her seriously.

"Isn't it obvious? I bring you here because if I take you home I'll ended up killing myself."

"Why didn't you just tell my friends!" I shouted at her

"Huh? And why would I? I dont want to kill them either."

I raised and eye brow on her.

"What? If they know that your in that state it's obvious that they will attack me and they will ended up wounded again, so its better this way and a single thanks for me will be fine." she said and walked away from the room.

I felt a cold thing on my forehead and i saw i cold towel, I also saw a food, medicine, and water in the table.

Did she take care of me all this time?

Why did she?.....

Ugghh!!! This is so confusing!

She said she's going to kill me but whats this?!

"Hey, Asahina." I called her.

"What?" she asked

"Uhh.. Thanks." I said

"For what?" She looked at me

"For taking care of me? I guess?" I'm not really sure about that, maybe she'll kill me this time. I need to find a way to get out of here.

"Uhh your welcome." She was about to go out but she suddenly looked at me. "If you're finding a way to get out of here, maybe you'll do that tomorrow. I won't lay a finger for you today rest well BOSS." she said and get out of the room

Maybe I could really do that some other time, maybe I could trust her this time and besides my head is killing me right now and I feel so cold and all.

Maybe I'll try to kill her next time, if I'm all fixed up.

Momotsuki's POV

I've been taking good care of this Felix and his temperature still isn't going down even a little bit, I'm getting worried about his condition...

I looked on his face and suddenly touched it.

"Have you been working too much and forget to take care of yourself?" I suddenly snapped and hurriedly leave.

"I'm not suppose to say that or feel that way! I'm his enemy and so he is! I don't have time for this." I murmured

I need to calm myself, I'm not going to have googly eyes and have shit feelings around that guy. No... Never...

Felix POV

I woke up with the sun rays touched my face, I felt something in my side and saw Momotsuki is sleeping peacefully. A small smile suddenly show up in my face.

"Thanks for taking care of me last night, I'm feeling a lot better now." I murmured and I know that she won't hear it because she's sleeping.

I slipped out of the bed and fixed myself. I saw an open window but i looked at her, my feet feels like there walking on their own. I took out my phone and took a picture of her sleeping and jumped off the window.

I guess I have a good night sleep last night.

I arrived at the HQ and all of them looked at me.

"Uhh.... Good morning?" I scratched the back of my neck.

'WHAT DO YOU MEAN GOOD MORNING!?' they all shouted at me, scolding me and asking me where I was last night. Of course I didn't tell them it's my little secret.

I took out my phone and stared at my wallpaper....


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