the truth: Part 2

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Shiro's POV

'If you want to see you're hinata alive, come and see me in an abandoned building kim street.'

What he said earlier is keep repeating in my head!

There's so many 'what if' are popping in my head like.

'What if he tortured her.'

'What if he molest her'

'What if he'll do something worst'

"Shiro, she's going to be okay, she can handle herself." Momo is trying to calm me down.

"But what if he'll do-." She cut me off

"He won't and hinata won't let him touch her." Momo said and looked at me.

"She's right shiro,
Kanojo wa daijōbu ni narudarou (She's going to be alright)."

How did he learn how to speak our language

I'm thankful that Momo is trying to calm me down.

As we arrived at the building

I'm really scared about what he told me earlier!

Ahh!! Shit! I'll kill him if he touch Hinata! I'll kill him even if he's my brother!

I immediately kicked the door, but when I entered the room, there's no one inside.

"Hinata!" I called her name.

I was about to go outside but when I tried to open the door it's locked!

"Shit!" I cursed.

"Ohh!! If it isn't my brother." He smirked and looked at me.

"Where is hinata!? I'm here now! Don't involve any of my friends in this!" I furiously yelled at him.

He just laughed at me.

It's like he's underestimating me, so I Point my gun at him and furiously looked at him.

"Chill bro! Chill!" He laughed. "Hinata is outside already! I didn't do anything to her, just cut that look of yours already! It doesn't suits you." He continue to laugh while holding his stomach

Ehh? I put my gun down and looked at him blankly.

"What's going on?" I just looked at him.

"You're face looks priceless bro! You Could just see you're face!" He said

"Just-Just stop it already! You're making me embarrassed!" I looked away.

Hell it's embarrassing! I don't know if I look cool on that! Ahh shit!

"I missed teasing you, Nii-chan (Big brother)." He said and smiled at me.

"Y-you finally called me you're big brother." I smiled back at him.

I didn't expect that he would go down to his knees.

"watashi wa totemo zan'nen da (I'm so sorry shiro)." He cried

I don't know what to say, but instead I hugged him.

"sore wa daijōbu desu ne watashi wa anata ni oko~tsu te i nai( It's okay kuro, I'm not mad)." I said and smiled at him.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you all left me." He's voice is a bit hoarse

I looked away.

If you just know what I did to them.

But if I'll fo that you'll be mad at me.

I don't want my brother to slip away from me again.

"What happen to them shiro?" He looked at me

"I...." I'm hesitating to tell him, he'll be mad at me.

"Where are they. Shiro?" He asked me again.

"I... Killed them......"I said and looked down.

"I'm sorry kuro." I cried.

"What did they do to you, when I was gone?" He asked me.

"They locked me up." I said

"Where did they....locked you up? What did you do?" He asked

"Remember our nanny? When we we're young?" I asked

"Yeah what about her?" he asked and look at me

"She nearly raped me that's why I killed her. That day they locked me up in an abandoned storage room. They keep me educated somehow, but they treat me like I'm an animal." I said

"I-I didn't expect that you've been through a lot of things. I'm sorry shiro, I was so selfish. But I think they deserved it, they deserve to die." He said and smiled at me.

"Yeah, I think they do." I said and smiled back at him.

"I think we should head home." I said and stood up

"Yeah, I think we should." He said and I help him up.


Momotsuki's POV

They're in good terms now and that's a big step for shiro.

It's the first time to see him smile so widely and he's very happy to see his brother again.

I'm happy for him too, he won't blaming himself again.

"He look so happy with his twin." I Return to my senses when I heard felix voice.

"Yeah, they do." I replied and smiled.

"I hope I can see you smile like that again." He said

I hope so too.

I just watched them playing and running around like kids.

I feel sad all of a sudden.

I missed them.

I missed my Mom and Dad.

I want to find them as soon as possible, I don't care if I can't do my assignment they gave to me.

All I want to do is to find those bastards and kill them.

"Momo?" I felt someone tapped my back.

"Uhh yes?" I looked at felix

"Is there something bothering you? Don't you feel good? Are you sick?" Felix asked me a multiple questions but I just laughed at him.

He looked at me with a confused look.

"Nothing, it's nothing." I keep on laughing, it's really epic to see his face like that.

"Stop it momo, you're embarrassing me!" He said and looked away.

I just ruffle his hair.

"You should change you're hair color." I said while looking at his hair.

He looked at me "What color should be perfect on me?" He asked

"Platinum should be fine, I think it suits you." I said and looked at his face.

"Where are your freckles?" I asked him

"Ahh i covered it with foundation." he simply said.

I remove the foundation on his face to see his freckles.

"Now you look perfect." I said and smiled at him

He just smiled back.


Someone's POV

"Just go have some fun now Asahina, just wait and you'll see the real fun."

"Just wait and see Asahina, once I'll caught you. I'll break your bone into pieces."

To be continued..


Wahhh!!! Im so sorry for the fuckin late upadate!!! I'm too busy these days! I'm sorry

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