Protect Her.

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Felix POV

'I love you too...'

Am I just dreaming or I just hear that momo respond to me last night..... It's really hard to believe.

"Ahhh!! FUCK!" This is so frustrating!

"Felix your too loud for Pete's sake, shut the fuck up." she said and cover herself with a blanket

Ohh.... I forgot.... She's here.

I hugged her while she's still cover by a blanket.



"I love you."

"I lo....... Love you too." She said

I immediately stood up and looked at her.

She got up and looked away while her face is so red.

"So..... I'm not dreaming that night?" I asked

"H-huh? About what?" She's stuttering

"Well.. You said You love me too." I said and smirked at her

"Don't you like it?" She cocked her head at the side

"W-well..... I-I do." Ahh!! my face is so warm!

"Your blushing." She smirked

"I'm not!" I said and looked away

"Hey Felix, There's something I want to ask you." She said while looking at me so serious.

"Huh? Uhh sure, what is it?"

"Do you have any other personality?" that caught my eyes wide open.

"D-did you try to kill me while I'm sleeping?" I asked

"Not really.... I just tried, it's not like I'll kill you really. I'm sorry." She looks sincere

"It's fine, but why?"

"Well, I thought your not going to let your Guard off." she said

"Ohh.. I see." aish! Why do I have this disgusting personality anyway!

"Felix, you haven't answer my question yet."

I sighed since she already know maybe it's time to tell her.

"Yes, I do have other personality, it only appears when someone tries to kill me." I said

"Ohh... So... It's not really good to kill you huh." She said and smiled

She... smiled.....

I didn't know what I did but it's like my body moves on its own and kissed her, Well I'm ready if she'll kick or punch me after this, but I was surprised when she kissed me back.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and kiss her deeply.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and she kissed me back.

Her lips is so soft my mind is like flying away, I can't think straight.

"Momo it's time to-..............." I Immediately grabbed my gun and shoot her brother

"H-hey I'm sorry! I'm just here because- Stop for a Minute Felix! Hear my side first!" He said while running and jumping around

I stopped and looked at him

"I'll give you five minutes to explain and after that I'll kill you." I said

"Okay, I'm here because Mom and Dad called you a MILLION Times already but you two hasn't come out to your room yet! That's why I came here. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" He explained

"aish......THEN KNOW HOW TO KNOCK IDIOT! He really has a very GREAT timing! He ruined every-" I looked at her and her face is really red

"M-momo?" I called her but she didn't looked at me, Did I do something wrong?

"It's nothing let's go." He said and hold my hand.

Ahh~ This feels heaven

"By the way felix, how did you meet my daughter." His dad asked me

"Well I met her in school, She tried to kill me First and well obviously I put some traps in the school to revenge her but..... She always gets away from my traps." I said

Ahhh... This is so humiliating...

"Ohh is that so, Momo who trained you to defeat this young man?" He asked her

"well... I've been trained by Yvo." She simply said.

His father looked so surprised when he heard his name and so do I.

I never knew that she's working for that Bastard.

"Huh? Is there something wrong?" She asked

"Uhh n-nothing." Her Dad and I said

I sense something not right here.

"Uhh sir can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well.... I'm just curious, why are you look so surprised when Momo you heard Yvo's name?" I asked

"Well to tell you the truth, I'm surprised and also scared." He said and drank his wine

"Scared about what?"

"That he would do something to my daughter. He tried to kill my wife not once but many times and now my daughter is working under him. This is too much." He look so frustrated

"Why don't you kill him then, it's not like his too hard to defeat." I said

"It's not easy but momo didn't know anything about this yet." He said

"She doesn't know about this? Why? Why didn't you tell her? This is an important matter." why can't he tell her that so she would be aware.

"You know she works under him and he trained my daughter to defend herself. He didn't just trained her, he also used her to do dirty works for him but Momo is too blind to see it because for her she's thankful that he found her." He explained

He's right.

"He's using her, he wants momo to be his weapon and also he wants to own the asahina empire that's why he wants to kill us." he looked at me.

"You should keep an eye to the people you love because he might use them against you." He said

"Yes sir." I said and bowed

"And one more thing. If you'll hurt my daughter, I wont let you see her nor touch her again. Keep that in mind." He said and walked inside

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind." I said and go to momo's room

Ehh? Where is she?


"Momo!" I called her again

"I'm here! I'm taking my bath." She said and walked out in the bathroom

It's like my face is going to burn..... She looks so hot...

"Enjoying the view honey?" She said and smirked

"GET A GODDAMN SHIRT MOMO! Your showing too much skin." I said and walked away

"Don't you like it?" She asked

"Shut up and get dressed." I said and Walk out of the room.

When I get out of her room, what her father said earlier flashbacked in my mind.

'You should keep an eye to the people you love , he might use them against you.'

Yeah, no matter what will happen.


"Protect her"

Kill Him|Lee Felix|Stray Kids FanficWhere stories live. Discover now