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Felix POV

"Mom, what do you want?" I asked her as I entered her office

"I want you to attend a dinner with me with a client." She said

"Is that it?" I asked

I was about to leave but I forgot to ask where is the exact location and she said in chiems Restaurant

"Yes, that's all. You may now go." She said without looking at me, I think she's up to something that she doesn't want me to know?.... Or I'm just thinking advanced? Naaaahhh it's just my imagination again.

"Hey, why did your mom said?" She asked

"Well, she just wanted me to attend a dinner tonight she said we have a new client that's all."I said and kissed the top of her head

"Ohh, just be careful alright?" She said and smiled

"Yeah I will, by the way where do you want to eat? I'm so fuckin hungry." I said

"Anywhere." she simply said

"Hmm... Let's just eat in our house I'm craving for your cooking." I said and opened the door for her

"Sure." She said entered

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

It's already 7:00 P.M I looked at Momo fixing my tie for me

"There, it's done." She said

"Am I now handsome?" i asked

"huh? Are you kidding me? You look like a boy from 1980's." she said and laughed so hard

"Hey! Your the one who prepared this!"

"What? I did? As long as I know Changbin prepared this for you." She said

Ohh fuck... Why did I became friends with them!?

"You should go now, your mom must be waiting for you there. Be careful okay?don't do anything reckless okay?" She said and I just kisses her to assure her and she just smiled, I entered my car and drive at Chiems and I saw my mom talking to another woman who's just aged as hers and a girl in my age? What the heck?

"Hey mom, is this our new clients?" I asked and sat beside her

"Ohh no sweetheart we're not clientsm I'm you future mother-in-law." she said and smiled

I stilled and looked at my mom, it's like I'm asking her that what the fuck is going on

"Felix this is your fiancé Kathleen-"

"What?! Mom! What is the meaning of this?" I asked her

"Calm down felix, I just lied to you because I know that you don't want to go to this kind of thing. So I just told you that this is just our client to make you come." She said

"I-I'm sorry, I cant do this." I said and walked out of the restaurant and Immediately go to momo's house.

"Hey, love-" I didn't let her finish and kissed her lips and she kissed back, I deepen the kiss and push her in bed.

"H-hey felix, what's wrong."  she said and caressed my face.

"Make love to me Momo." I think this is the only way....

I kissed her again and pulled off her shirt and kissed her and slid my tongue inside her and she gladly opened her mouth.

"This will be a long night momo." I said and licked her.


Momotsuki's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face, I gave my first to him last night. but when I saw nothing beside my bed, felix is not here... My smile is slowly Fading away.

I tried to call him but his number is unavailable.

"Hyunjin? Where's felix?" I asked him

"I don't know Momo, try to call him maybe he'll tell you." He said

"It said it's unavailable." I said

"Ohh try to go to his house." He said

"Yeah, maybe that should do." I said and go to my room to take my bath.

When I got dressed and put a light make-up on and grab my keys.

"I'm out for an hour." I said

"Be careful driving momo okay? Bye" Hinata said and waved

When I got to his house, i turn the door knob but it's open!?

"What the hell?" I murmured to myself and push it gently.

"Felix-.." I didn't say a word after I saw him kissing another girl.


"W-what the hell is this!? What is the meaning of this!?" I can't believe he cheated on me

"What do you think it is Momotsuki?" he looked at me with an emotionless face

"I-I thought you love me, whats this? Why are you cheating on me?" i stopped my tears not to fall

"I don't love you momotsuki, it's just that part of my plan and you're too dumb to know it. I should say my acting is so great to made ypu believe that I love you, you're just a killer momotsuki. Your a monster." Its like my tears immediately escaped my eyes.

"Yeah he's right, he doesn't love you because he loves me and besides, we're already engaged." She said and showed me a ring on her finger

"So.... What was that last night? It we just nothing...." I looked at him

"Yeah, it's just nothing that's why it's disgust me." he said

It.... Hurts....


"Ohh... So I gave that for nothing?..." I looked up in the ceiling to stop my tears but they wont stop.

"Leave momotsuki, I'll give you a chance to live." He said and walked out

Why did I assumed to that he'll love me back? His my enemy...

I run to my car and drive as fast as I cam just to get away from that place.

I drived everywhere until I found a forest.

I got out of the car and enter the forest, I was walking like a dead person.

"Why am I crying? He's not worth my tears." I tried to convince myself but my tears isn't going to stop flowing.

"Momo.." I heard a familiar voice and looked at him

"Y-yvo?! What are you doing here?!" Why is he here? I was about to say something but suddenly, everything turned into pitch black.

"I guess he did a great job hurting you."

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