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Momotsuki's POV

Felix and My father looks close together now, I wonder how he did it so easily. Maybe I could ask him later.

I was in the middle of doing something when I felt something vibrating in my pocket.

' Calling Hinata '

Ohh it's hinata, I wonder what she wants from me?

"Hello? Hinata?"


She sounds like..... Crying?

"Uhh.. Hold on a sec. I'm in my real parents house and Felix is here too, hes here with me. I introduced him to them abd they're close to each other, Isn't that nice?" I'm trying to sound cute and.... It doesn't suit me.... Ahhh fuck...


There was a long silence between the lines.

Ohhh.... I forgot, they only know my first mom and dad. They don't know about this yet.

"Uhh... Hello? are you still there?" Maybe she already hungged up

'Momo? where are you right now? We'll be their' does she think I'm crazy?

I didn't hesitate to give them the address.

Ahh this isn't good.

"Momo? Are you okay? You looked bothered." Felix asked

"Nothing, it's just... Hinata and the others are coming, and I think.... They would be in a big trouble." I sighed, they're all pain in the ass

"It's fine, maybe they could handle your mom." I immediately looked at him.

"Are you serious?! That psychotic woman! Would be defeated on a bunch of kids?!"

"Well.... They're not kids anymore, they're gown ups now." he's acting like a father to them

"Your acting like their father." I frowned at him

"Well, that's a good thing. Since I'm going to be a Dad soon and you'll be their Mom." He said and smiled

I feel like my face is burning....

"Heh.... Your blushing." He smirked

"Ohh fuck off!" I immediately grabbed my gun but he kicked it away from me.

"Ahh! It was so easy when I did it to you, why is it so hard when I tried to steal your fathers gun?" ehh??...... What is he talking about?

"What are you talking about?" I looked at him

"Well... I pulled of some practices with your dad, but it was actually pretty hard." He scratch the back of his neck, his embarrassed of it.. I guess?

"Practicing for what?" I can't help but to ask

"well... You know, I wanted to get stronger to protect you, since your dad gave me......" He cut his words

"Gave you what?" I raised a brow at him

"Uhh... Well... You know... Gave me... One... Chance only, if I blew it.... He'll take you away from me.... For good." He said while looking down

He's scared....

I secretly smiled at him.

I'm glad you feel that way Felix.

I walked towards him and pat his head

"Don't worry, I won't blew it for you, okay? So stop worrying.  I'll help you." I said and smiled at him

He held my cheeks and smiled back at me.

"You're cute when you smile, you should to that more often okay?" He said and pecked me on my lips

I should get use to this, since he's my boyfriend now.

"Ahh by the way, shiro, hinata and your gang maybe they're going to arrive soon, so would you escort them? I'll be helping my mom making dinner for them." I said

"Your calling them Mom and Dad now, you're moving on. I'm glad." He said and smiled at me

Yeah... I'm glad that I'm really moving on from my past, maybe that's a good thing.

"don't worry I'll wait for them." he said and kissed me on my lips and whispered. "I love you."

Ahh... This guy really know how to skip my heart beat.

I smiled at him. "I love you too."

"Yahh, momo don't do that, it's too hard to leave when you smile like that." he whined

"so you want me to frown everyday?" I said

"Huh?! Of course not." he said defensively

"Go now, they're be here in couple of minutes." I said and enter our house.

I saw mom in the couch reading a book.

"Ahh... Mom.... There's something I need to tell you." I said

"ohh, sure what is it?" she asked

"Well... My friends are coming over. In a minute." I said

"You have friends? That's wonderful. What time would they come?" she asked

"Well... About a couple of minutes, Felix would escort them here. And please... Mom don't try to tell them." I said pleadingly

"Don't worry, I wont. If they won't kill me First, note them first okay?" she said and entered and kitchen

I secretly smiled

Now, I know where I get these genes of mine.


I was waiting for them in the living room until I heard a lot of foot steps.

I think it's them.

I saw felix on the door with a wide smile.

"They're here." He said and kissed my cheek

I smiled at him

'Ohh! Too cheezy'
'Too sweet'
'What an eye sore'

"Don't worry jeongin, you won't get a girlfriend." I smirked at him

He just rolled his eyes

"ohh your here." My mom and dad popped out in my back

"Auntie! Uncle! It's nice to see you again." Hinata and shiro said and runned towards them and hugged them.

Ehh?? What's going on?!

"It's nice to see you two, Shiro-kun, Hinata-chan." She said and smiled

"W-what's the meaning of this?!" I yelled

"Ohh... Didn't we told you about this?" they said


"Ohh.. Well you know, they were Dad's assassin partners and bestfriends." Hinata said

"They're my business partners, but I call them auntie and uncle." Shiro explained

"YOU already knew this and yet YOU GUYS ACTED LIKE YOU PANICKED AND ALL!" aish! This is fuckin frustrated

"Now, now. Momo calm down. Let's be thankful that they didn't try to kill your parents." Felix said

I just sighed in agreement.

"Now let's talk this out in the dinner table? Shall we?" My dad said

They all went to the dinner table while me and felix left behind

"Let's go?" He said and holds my hand

I smiled..... I'm glad I have them as my


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