Her Brother's Problem?

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Momotsuki's POV

When Felix said that he's trying so hard to reach his inner self's level I felt the urge to stop him, well it's because I have it too. I tried so hard to reach her level that I almost lost control of my body, I don't want him to lose control too.

I stepped out of the bathroom and saw felix sleeping peacefully in bed, I can't help but to stare at his handsome face.

I walk to the closet and get my clothes and wear it then lay beside him.

"Hmm, Momo." He groaned and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I just smiled at his sleeping face and caressed his hair until I fall asleep.


I felt someone is planting small kisses in my neck.

"Momo, wake up. Your twin is here." He said

I slowly open my eyes and saw him with a smile in his face.

"Juuzou is here? Why?" I asked

"I don't know but I think you should ask him." he said and I walk out in our room then go to juzo.

"What do you wa-" He cut me off me he hugged me

"Momo! I'm in a BIG MESS!" He said

"Huh? What are talking about?" I asked

"Dad want me to marry a girl."

"And? What's the matter with that?" I asked

"Well, Mom and Dad let me meet her earlier and she's so pretty, Smart and they think she's so perfect for me and it's like Lust at first sight.... But no Momo! No!! I'm a BIG FUCKIN MESS RIGHT NOW MOMO! HELP ME!" He cried

"Hey stop it. Why don't just marry her? What's a wrong with that?" This is really confusing

"The thing is I DON'T LOVE HER!" he said and hold his head and slam himself in the couch

"Good thing your not using her for your libido." I said and crossed my arms

"Of course not, she's like.... Average for me.... She has a small tits." He said


"Well, yeah. That's all." He said

"You disturb me just for this!? You're really that crazy!?"

"Are you doing it again? Momo you should do those things when both of you living on your own house without anything that could disturb you." He said and smirked at me

"We're not doing it Juzo, so shut your fuckin mouth." I said

"Okay fine but could you please help me to pursue mom and dad to stop this arrange marriage thing?" he said

"And why would I do that?"

"Cuz Thats what the older sister do right?" He smirked

"Give me a Reason why should I help you?" I raised a brow at him

"I have a girlfriend." he simply said

"Okay then, I'll help you." I said

"Wow! That easy!?" He looks so surprised

"In one condition." I said

"What is it?"

"I need to see her partial face and let me meet her first thing tomorrow." he stilled, boom boy you've been caught lying to your big sister "And if you don't let me see her, I won't help you and there's also a bonus." I smirked at him "I'll kill you, so make sure that your telling the truth or else I'll kill you." I said

"Fine! If I bring my girlfriend here you'll help me okay!" he said

"it's a deal then." he just nod and walk out of the house

"It's obviously he's not telling the truth." felux said behind me

"I know, just let him be." I said

"Aren't you a bit too harsh on him? He's too young." He said

"And so am I. But it's obviously he doesn't like his soon to be fiancé maybe it's not average for him, maybe it's lower than average." I said

"Maybe, you can easily read your brother don't you." he said and bury his face in my neck

"He's easy to read when he's not mad." I said

Let's se if he'll really do it.

I just smirked at myself.

I like seeing my twin little brother try.


Juuzou's Pov

"Why did I even say that!" I gripped my hair in frustration.

I don't have any fuckin Idea where to find a girlfriend now! I don't even have one! Aiisshhh Rei! Why do you have to be so dumb at this time!

I need to come up with a plan to make sure she'll help me.

But to be honest the girl isn't average really, she's below average for me and I don't like her. She's way to pretty and I bet she can't even hold a gun and I don't like a girl like that.

I need someone like hinata but I can't use her cuz she has a boyfriend.

Maybe I should ask Irish if her slot is still available.

I dialed her number and called her.

"Hey Irish, it's me Rei."

'hey, Finally you called. Have you changed your mind?" she said on the other line.

"Yeah I have and I think this would be perfect for you." I smirked

'hmm? What is it?" she asked

"Be my pretend girlfriend tomorrow and I'll show you to my sister and family so they could stop arranging me to other girls." I said

'Sure, I'll meet you at the Sunday's Café later. By sweetheart.' she said and hungged up

Don't under estimate me Momo, I can do anything.

As I arrived at my own condo, I slam myself in my bed. Today is so tiring. I'm actually tired of thinking cuz it's not my thing. I hate thinking.

I was about to close my eyes when my phone rings

       'Momotsuki Calling...'

Ohh it's her what does she want now.

"What do you want?"

'Don't forget tomorrow  8:30 A.M in Sunday's café don't be late or else.. I won't help you' she said

"Yeah yeah shut the fuck up already, she'll be there with me tomorrow." I said

' Good, you sure do good at covering to your lies are you.' she said and I was about to say something but she end up the call

I just sighed, I forgot. She can easily read through me.

"Ahh fuck." I just closed my eyes and sleep

To be continued....

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