5 Years Later

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Felix POV

"Hey hey! Felix! Or should I say boss?" Juuzou entered my office and I just rolled my eyes

"Stop teasing juuzou he might eat you alive." Jeongin said

"Yeah, So Aria how is jeongin as your boy friend." Juuzou teased him and jeongin just rolled his eyes at him. Yes jeongin got a girlfriend. Lucky him...

"He looks so depressed." Seungmin said

"Who wouldn't be? Today is Jan 28! It's Momo-chans birthday, what's new to his face like he does this face every YEAR." Chan hyung said

Today is her birthday and until now I can't find her. The memory is still fresh it's like it's a scene from yesterday. when I hurt her and Find her but all I got is nothing. I fuckin' miss her already, why can't I just be with her.


"Felix did you really love me?" Yes Momo, I do love you, please don't give up yet.

"Huh? Of course I didn't! So fuck off I'm busy." I'm so sorry Momo I promise I'll get you back as soon as possible.

'Okay, that's all I wanted to hear' even if she said those word in a very low town I can still hear it so.clearly.

That's all you want to hear? Are you giving up on me momo? I can't hold my tears.

I entered my moms room and looked at her with tons of tubes sticking in her body.

Kathleen's Dad said if we tie our bond together they'll let my mom live. My mom has a Heart disease and she need donor but I can't find one...

I just held her hand...


"I'm sorry Felix, if I didn't introduce you to her you wouldn't suffer like this." She said

"No, Mom it's fine. As long as you live everything will be okay." I said as I kissed her hand

"What about her? What if she doesn't come back?" She asked

I couldn't answer her and just lower down my head. It's like there's a lump in my throat.

"Make the right decision Felix or you'll lose her." she said

"This is my decision mom, your the most important person in my li-" She cut me off

"So she is." She smiled at me "Go after her felix. Im going to die anyway."

"No! I picked this because I want you to live! I'll do something to get her back after this. So please... Please mom just trust me on this." I plead but she just smiled and closed her eyes.

I get out of her room and saw kathleen talking to someone

"I'm getting married." she said

"Yeah, you are... Don't worry I have a girlfriend now anyway." He said and Kathleen just looked at him dumbfounded

"What?" her voice is shaking

"Yeah, I have a girlfriend. Is that all your going to say? I gotta go, i have a date. Bye." He said and walked away.

Kathleen just left all alone Silently crying...

"Hey." I tapped her back

"Isn't this the time for you to laugh?" She said

"Why would I? " I asked

"Because if this isn't happening maybe your happy with your girlfriend." She said while wiping her tears

"Yeah you can say that, but I'm not doing this because I want to hurt her but to save my mom. She's the most important person." I said and looked at the starts

"So she is, isn't she?" she looked at me

"Yeah, she is. I'm just too dumb that I didn't told her about this. Maybe if I just told her about this maybe she will understand.... Maybe." 

She tapped my back "It's going to be alright, you need to get her back after we get divorced." She said and walked back inside her house.

After few months I got my divorce decree and go to Momo's Father

I've been setting many appointments to him but he haven't answered any of it until now.

I called juuzou and he said that momo is still moving on, I asked him if Where is she. He just said to let her move on. How can I let her move on when I'm still crazily inlove with her.

I even hired four investigators to find her but they haven't find her anywhere.

I also talked to her dad and he just. Said that he doesn't know. She just ran away from home.

That time I also loose hope to find her. But juuzou just sent a photo of her and her ticket.

'8:30 A.M Saturday.'

He didn't send the place but Maybe I'll just wait for to come back and if I'll see her again, I will never EVER let her go again.


It's been five years now and I'm still imagining, what if we haven't separated?

Maybe we already built a family, One boy and one Girl or more.

If I haven't hurt her maybe I'm not missing her like this.

If I just choose both of them maybe everything might be alright.

"You know felix if your face looks like that I'm going to punch your face." changbin hyung said

"Don't worry I won't." I said and stood up "Should we celebrate? Since it's momo's Birthday. it's my treat." I smiled at them

"You really know how to catch our ears." they said and grinned at me

"Shiina cancel all my appointments today, I'm going out." I said

"Yes sir." she said

I opened my phone and I smiled.

Yes it's been 5 years but my feelings for her haven't change.

"Too loyal." juuzou teased

"Shut the fuck up and why the hell are you in MY CAR!?" I hissed

"I'm too tired to drive so let's go don't be so grumpy, your ugly." he said and just sitting so comfortably

"Why did I become friends with you-" He cut me off that made me hit the brake

"Momo is going back here." He looked at me and smirked "Prepare yourself, she'll be back on Thursday." he said....

I'm going to see her again...


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