I wont let him.

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momotsuki's POV.

That guy is really bothering the hell out of me! I wanted to ask him but what if he'll ask like shiro asked me earlier? What would I say? 'Sorry Felix I forgot, I don't know his face!" arrgg!!! That would be embarrassing!

"Hey momo, You're spacing out. What's wrong." He said

"I'm fine, don't worry." I'm not fine! Ok I'm not fine! Aish!

He didn't respond but instead he pulled me inside the storage room.

"Now, tell me what's bothering you?" I looked at me in the eye

I sighed and looked back at him. "Someone told me about you're plan." I said directly

He didn't move but he's still looking at my eyes.

"Felix?" I called out his name

He snapped out of his thoughts. "What does he loo-" I cut him off

"I don't know what he looks like, if you ask me why, that's because I dont give a fuck about a stranger like him." I said

"What else did he say?" He asked

"That's all." I said

He hold my shoulder and buried his fave on my neck.

"Try to recall his voice." He said

"He has a deep voice like you." I said and he immediately looked at me.

"If you hear that voice again don't come near him ok?" He said

"Huh? Why would I?" I raised an eye brow at him.

"You'll get in trouble, please Momo. Stay away from that guy." His eyes we're pleading

I just sighed and looked at him. "Hai hai. I'll stay away from him." I said and smiled at him.

He cupped my face and kissed my lips.

"Glad to know, Momo." He said and smiled back at me.

I kicked his leg. "Don't just kissed me like that!" I  whisper yelled at him.

He just laughed and pecked my lips.

"Stop kissing me! Let's get out of her-" I stopped when I saw Felix's members with shiro and Hinata.

"I told you they kissed." Shiro said confidently.

I grew a vein at the side of my head and smacked his head.

"Momo! You're so mean when it comes to me!" He whined.

They all laughed at him.

I felt an arm wrapped around my shoulder, I just ignored it. I didn't slapped his hand away from my shoulder, I also don't know why.

"This is a rare moment. You didn't slapped my arm away from you're shoulder. " He said and smiled at me.

"You're right this is a rare moment, Just Indulge this moment for now." I said and smirked at him.

"I know Momo, I know." He said and walked home.


Someone's POV

Monitoring Asahina is not an easy task, but why is she so dense now? But I guess that's good.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rang.

"How does it going?" I asked him

'Dont worry, I'm still keeping an eye on her.'

"That's a good thing, don't let her know you Ok. I wont hesitate to kill you're fuckin ass."

He just laughed. 'Yes of course, I didn't get my revenge on them.' He said

"Ok I'll hung up now, do you're fuckin work properly dumbass, but if you're hesitate to kill you're best friend I won't hesitate to kill you too." I said and smirked

'Yeah I know, so shut up. I know what I'm doing." He said and hungged up

"I'll let you be happy for now Asahina. Just. For. Now." I mumbled and laughed like an evil.


Felix POV.

Momo is spacing out a the whole day, I know somethings bothering her and I'm aware that someone approached her when she was lost in that Forest.

When she told me someone told her about my plan, I was taken back.

Someone knows my plan?

But when I asked her she said she doesn't give a fuck on a  strangers face.

I mentally frowned at her.

When I asked her what's the voice of that guy she said we have a deep voice like me, that gave me a hint.

Should I kill him before he can do something to Momo.

"We'll kill him felix don't worry about it." Momo said while looking at the dark sky.

I immediately looked at her. What is she a mind reader!?

"Don't be surprise and also I'm not a mind reader." She said and chuckled

She's really a mind reader!

"I told you I'm not and besides you're tol easy to read, you're expression can tell." She said and looked at me

"Does it really that obvious?" I asked her

"Well, To be honest. Yes." She said and chukled

"You should do that often, Momo." I said without looking at her.

"watashi wa anata ni watashi no kono sokumen o shimeshi te i masu. (I only this side of mine to you.)" She said.

Even if I cant understand what she's saying, I Have a feeling that it was good.

A plan immediately cross my fuckin brain.

"Ne Momo. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I looked at her and smirked.

"Plan?" She looked at me and smirked.

I told her my plan but I'm not expecting that she'll agree but in my surprise she did.

"Do you know how to hack security cameras?" She asked

"Of course I do, what do you  think of hyunjin. He's too amazing when it comes to hacking." I said

"So we'll bring him with us?" She raised an eye brow at me.

"Huh? Of course not!" I immediately reply

"So you know how  to hack?" She asked again

"Of course! That's what I said earlier didn't I!?" aish! This girl really

She laughed at me. "Ahahaha!! You're face was so fuckin priceless Felix! Ahahahah, You dont need to be frustrated felix." She said and continue laughing

"If you don't stop laughing I'll kiss you." I glared at her

But she keep on laughing. " Hahaha yeah! Like you wo-" She didn't finish what she's saying when I grabbed her arm and kissed her lips.

"I told you I'll kiss you." I said and smirked

I wont let him come near you this time Momo, I swear.

To be continued



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