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Momotsuki's POV

Felix..... What is he doing here?

How did he find me.

"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I was about to go crazy not seeing you Everywhere, I got scared. Until you text me and sent this address so I immediately go here, where is this place anyway?" he asked

"It's my parents mansion, they said they we're looking for me and finally they found me and they were asking for a second chance, why is it hard to give it to them felix? It's so hard... Even though they explain it to me. I just... can't." I said

"It's fine Momo, just take your time to think about it, don't rush things okay? Maybe they could wait until you give your second chance to them, they would be so happy." He said and smiled at me

I caught the sweetest boyfriend ever.. I guess..

Wait.... He said I texted him that I was here... But I don't have my phone.. How could- aarrrg THAT LITTLE JERK!!

I stand up and walked- well its more like running though and slam the door.

"JUZO! WHERE IS MY PHONE?!" This guy really!!

"Ohh does your boyfriend is here yet? I want to see him, that's why I let him know." He said confidently.

"Ohh just shut up!"

"Is it you?! Are you felix?! Wow! You look handsome in person! So this is the youngest mafia boss, wow! I'm impressed!" He was about to get his gun but felix is much faster than this jerk, he stopped and get the gun then point this own gun on his head.

"Momo! He's fast too!" He really looked so amaze.

"I trained when I was 9 years old." Felix said

"How about you momo? When did you start training?" Juzo asked

"Whem I was 6 I guess. I don't remember." I said coldly

"I'm sorry she's really like that, but don't worry I'm going to take back her feelings so you guys could understand her better." he whispered to juzo. It's bot really whisper, I could clearly hear it.

"I could HEAR you." I said

"What's going on he-." Mom and Dad entered the room and they we're shocked when they saw Felix.

"Ahh- let me explain-." Juzo cut me off


Everything went Silent......

I'll kill you after this Juzo!

"Uhmmm.... Hello I'm Lee Felix, Momotsuki's Boyfriend.... I-it's nice to meet y-you." he's stuttering....

He's nervous and it's cute-........ Wait... What?

"You have a boyfriend already? Momo? Why didn't you tell us?" My mom asked me

"Well..... I was..... Uhh.... About to?" I'm not really sure how to tell them about felix.

"So you're the youngest mafia boss... Right?" Dad asked him.

"Y-youngest?" Felix asked

"Well, your on the list, and currently your the first youngest and riches mafia boss." he said

"Ohh.... I didn't know everything about that...." Is he SERIOUS?! HE DOESN'T KNOW?!

"You don't know? How come you don't know?" My dad asked

"Well..mm I've been busy with Momo lately and I didn't take a chance to see the list again because as long as I know I'm on rank 70. I didn't see it this year." He explained

He's busy with me?

"Why don't we talk this thing later, it's time for dinner." My mom said and walked to the kitchen

Felix amd I we're alone neither of us spoke.

"Momo, I'm..... Tired..." He said... He looks so sleepy

"I'll take you to my room and sleep there." I know he's tired of looking for me, I can tell on his eye bags though. It's too obvious that he didn't get enough sleep.

As we enter my room he immediately slam his body to my bed.

He looks so sleepy.

I scanned his face....

He looked so handsome.

"I know I looked handsome Momo." He said and wrapped his arm around me

I didn't do anything, it feels great in his arms.

I was busy on my thoughts I didn't know I fell asleep.


'Momo. Wake up.'


There's a deep husky voice called me But I didn't listen

"Momo if you don't wake up this instance I'll take you right here right now." He said

I immediately wake up and furiously looked at him.

"Ahahaha THAT WAS EPIC MOMO!" he laughed

"ohh shut up, that was a nice joke." I said and rolled my eyes at him

I was about to stand up but he grabbed my hand and pin me down in the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Well..... You know I've been stopping myself not to take you until you wake up, but since your awake. Maybe I should Take you?" He smirked

"Are you try to seduce me?" I smirked back at him

"So what if I am? wouldn't you going to fall?"

"Of course not are you crazy?" I said and pushed him.

"You're hurting my feelings now Momo." He said and acting like he's hurt while his hand on his heart.

"Ohh grow up." I said

He pushed me again and kissed my lips.

"I love you momo." He said and kissed my forehead.

"I forgot to tell you it's already dinner let's go down stairs and eat." He said and helped me


We finished eating and mom and I we're preparing the the beds for tonight because they said Felix will going to stay for the night.

I saw felix and Dad we're drinking alcohol, I hope he has a high tolerance in alcohol.

I saw felix face are red-..... Does he have a high tolerance of alcohol?!

I immediately called hyunjin.

"Hello? Hyunjin does felix have a high tolerance on alcohol?" I asked

"No he's not." He said.

I immediately hungged up and get the alcohol away from him.

"Dad he doesn't have high tolerance on alcohol." I said

"it's obvious, look at him. Take him to your room." He said and I just nod

"Momo, I love you~" He said

"Yeah yeah I know." I said

I should've have know.

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