Sweet Side

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Momotsuki's POV

It's time for us to go to our own places since we're already staying here for 3 weeks or so.

"Momo, Yvo will sent you email later. He said we're going to have a new mission for tonight." Hinata said

"A new mission huh, you're going to leave me alone again tonight?" Hyunjin is acting like crying to hinata while he's clinging into her

"Shut up Hwang Hyunjin, it's my work." Ahh she's blushing

"Hina, you should cover your tomato face first." I said and smirked at her then entered the car

"You have a new mission tonight?" Felix asked

"Yeah, It would be pain in the ass again." I said and sighed

"It's fine, we'll be right behind you if something will happen okay?" He said and suddenly kissed my forehead

"let's just go, I want to sleep." I said and looked away

Felix has been reliable these days, I haven't just noticed it.

"Ahh by the way Momo, what's your mission for tonight?" He asked

"I don't know yet, maybe in an auction again to get files or so. That's what I've been working on these past few weeks and I haven't finished yet." I said and lean my head on the window

"You want me to cover you up on your mission?"

"Sure, that would be helpful." I said and smiled at him

Ahh, I'm so lucky to have this guy as my boyfriend.

I can tell, I'm the luckiest bitch.

I felt my phone vibrated, it must me Yvo.

"Ansatsuki Yvo"


ahh..... I can tell..... He's.... So mad at me....

Ohh I remember... He gave ne this mission September 29..... I haven't done it yet....

"Why do I have to do this shits!" this is so frustrating!

"Your files. You haven't done it yet.... Don't you." Felix said

"Well yeah, but I'm tired." I said

"will you get paid for that?" He asked

"Of course I will get paid, I'm not going to work for free." I said

"Let me take a look at those files." He said and turn on the auto drive on his car.

I handed him my phone.

"Ohh this files, you can see this on kim agency, on the 4th floor at the bottom drawer." He explained

"Ehh? How did you know?" I looked at him

"I've seen this files before, when I was having fun killing and stealing files and chips." He said and lend my phone back to me

"Don't worry I'll cover you up for that." He said

"Your being reliable now aren't you." I said and smirked

"Of course, it's for you. My love." He said and smirked

"I wanted to kill you because of that smirk your wearing." I'm getting pissed

The idiot just chuckled and kissed my lips and of course I respond, he has the most softest lips ever.

"Okay fine, you better cover me up." I said

"Sure love." He said and looked back to the road

Few hours later we arrived to their HQ. If you are you going to ask me why are we here? Don't ask I also don't know.

"We're here, what do you want to eat!" He asked and unbuckle his seatbelt

"Anything." I simply said

"Don't say anything, I might serve myself to you." He said and smirked

I immediately looked away.

"Shut the hell up Lee Felix!" Shouted at him "Even if you don't serve yourself I would gladly take it anyway." I mumbled

"What did you say? Even if I don't serve myself you would glad-" I cut him off by pointing a gun at him and giving him a deadly glare but he just laughed

"It's so fun to tease you, you should look your face in the mirror." He said and give me a peck on the lips

"Just stop it let's het out." I said and get out of his car

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder while we were walking inside

I saw hyunjin with Hinata while hinata is sleeping in hyungjins arm. Minho playing with shiro. Seungmin with woojin, Jeongin playing with his hyung changbin and...... Wait where's chan?

"Hey guys have you seen chan lately?" I asked them

'I haven't'
'Now you've mention it we didn't notice him that he's gone.'

They all said

"Don't worry love, he said he'll be back. He's with eunha right now." Felix said

"Eunha? His girlfriend?"

"No, the girl he like but unfortunately she has a boyfriend but her boyfriend broke up with her for.....I don't know and I don't care." He said

"Ohh I see, that's why he keeps disappearing."

"what do you want to eat for lunch love?" He whispered into my ear

'Fried Chicken'

They all said

"Who told you I'm going to cook for you?! Cook your own meals! I'm only asking Momo! And even for you shiro!" he said and shiro looked to depressed when he heard felix said that to him

They argued about why felix don't want to cook for them

"Fine! Felix and I will cook your lunch so shut the fuck up, you're so damn annoying!" actually I'm not that angry they're just so loud

"Yeah great idea- wait what!?"

"Do have any problem? If you don't want to help me then I'll cook on my own." I said and walked to the kitchen

He sighed "Fine, I'll help you cook." He said and folowed me



"Are you pregnant or you just ate something bad?" he suddenly asked


"Shh! Momo keep your voice down they'll hear you" He covered my mouth with his hand

"I'm not okay? And is it bad that I'm happy to be with you?" I asked

"No not really- wait... Could you say it again?"


"Please." He pleaded like a child

I grabbed his collar and kissed him on his lips

"I love you felix." I smiled at him

He looked at the ceiling smiling like an idiot

"You want me to die huh? Momo? Don't surprise me like that, your making my heart stop beating." He said and smiled at me "But even though I'll die right now, I'm going to die happily and I love you too. Ahh God I really love your sweet side." he said and kissed me again.


Heya!! People! Is it been a month since I updated? Ohh well! Happy reading everyone and don't forget to press the vote button and share this story to your friends I hope you like this chapter! See you on the next update❤

Kill Him|Lee Felix|Stray Kids FanficWhere stories live. Discover now