New mission

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Momotsuki's POV

it's already 7:30 P.M I still have thirty minutes to prepare and set up everything. I heard the door cracked open.

"Hey love, You look..." He checked me up from head to toe.

"I look what?" I raised a brow at him

"Drop dead gorgeouson that back dress. Fuck you looked gorgeous as always love." He said and kissed me, I just chuckled and pushed him lightly

"Stop it, now look at your lips. It got lipstick on it." I said and wiped it out, he reached out for my hand and kissed the back of my hand

"Do you have you gun?" I raised the hem of my dress and let him see the gun wrapped arounf my left leg. "The daggers?" I showed him my right leg. "Extra bullets?" I suddenly stopped when I realized I don't have extra bullets.

"Don't worry love, I got some spare, just in case you forgot it." He said and kissed my forehead, I just smiled at him.

"Let's go?" He lend his hand and I took it.

"Hey there love birds, ready to go?" Shiro asked

"Let's go and finish this." I said and get inside the car.

"I want to have fun before killing." I said and lean my back on my seat.

"Let's drink a little so we won't get suspicious, is that okay? Me and the others will cober you guys up." He said

"Felix. Thank you." I said and smiled

"It's my pleasure, Love." He said and get my hand and kissed it

"You keep kissing my hand."

"Well it's the only thing that I could show you how important you are to Me." He said.  "And besides after few years from now on, I'll put a ring on your finger so make sure it's empty okay?" He said in authority and I just chuckled

"Yeah, Yeah. I will don't worry." I said

After a few minutes we arrived

"Shiro, Minho your in charge of the security systems." I said

"Yes ma'am we're on it." They said

"Hinata and Hyunjin the power plugs."

"Sure, we got it." they said

"And the rest make sure to cover shiro, minho, hinta and hyunjin and make sure to be back safe no bruises no gun shot are we clear?" Felix said

'Of course'
'We won't die'
'Our little boy is getting bossy now huh'

They all said

"Okay it's show time, Your positions."I said and Felix lend his arm and I gladly accept it.

We were about to enter but the guard stopped us.

"Can I see your invation card ma'am, Sir?" That caught me off guard, shit! How could I forget to do fake invitation card!?

"Here." Felix handed a card, I looked at him and he just smirked at me.

"Ok ma'am, Sir you can enter." He ssid and let us through

"How did you make that?" I asked

"I told you I would cover up for you didn't I?" he said

"Thanks love." I said

He suddenly stopped walking and looked at me, I just laughed at his reaction.

"What?" I asked

"Could you say it again?"

"Say what?"

"The two words that you just said."

"Ohh, what was it again?" I asked and smirked

"Stop playing, I'm serious." He said and frowned

"Yeah, Yeah. Your so sweet earlier and now your all grumpy, being grumpy is not good Love." I said

"Ahh, your really going to kill me huh? How could you stop my heart from beating by just saying those words." He said and smiled from ear to ear

"Well, I'm just showing my affection to you." I said. "Now let's go."

He didn't protest and followed me

"One whisky and... What do you want to drink love?" He asked

"Just a Vodka will do." I said

"Okay you have exactly five minutes to enjoy inside and after that you'll get the files, we already set everything up." shiro said

"Okay we got it." I said

We drink for five minutes and we did our mission

"The cameras are off now, you can enter." Minho said on the other line

I looked at felix

"I'll be in your back don't worry." He said and we enter to the room.

I immediately fine the files.

"A drawed from the right, find the bottom drawer and you'll find the files in no time." He said

"How did you know?"

"I put a tracker it suddenly appeared on my phone, maybe I forgot about that." He said

I immediately looked the bottom drawer and find the files.

'Kim Agency Secret Properties.'

He really like taking people down.

"Ohh look who's here. Momotsuki Asahina." I felt something cold on my head

I immediately throw the papers in the air and make my move to escape.

The lights got all shut downed

I grab my gun and start to shoot them.

I tried to dodge their bullets but it's so fuckin hard, I felt numb on my left shoulder. Fuck I got shot.

I know someone behind me I was about to stab him but felix shot his head and sa to say it's the not the head of the kim agency, did he already recreated?

"Hey, are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" He looks so worried

"I'm fine, hut where we're you?" I asked

"I just handle some dimwits outside." he siad and open the door, there's so many dead bodies. this guy is one hell of man.

"Love, your bleeding." He said and tear a peice of cloth and wrapped it around my left arm.

"I told you no gun shot didn't I?" Said

"I'm sorry, it's just too hard to make my move when I'm wearing a dress." I said

"well, this is fine, at least you fine and alive." He said and kissed my forehead.

"let's go home?" He asked and I just nod

He held my hand as we get out of the room.

"Spear bullets?" I asked, he handed me one magazine.

"Hey! Stop righ-" he didn't finish his sentence when I shot him on hid head

"Your one hell of a Women Love." He said and kissed me, he shot a guy from behind

"And so you are." I said and smiled at him

TO BE CONTINUED............


HI EVERYONE! it's Jihoon-Jihoonie Here! I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you did please make sure to click the vote button below and Happy reading! I'll be updating from now on so that I will proceed to the other stories❤

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