I met my Parents

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Momotsuki's POV

What he said an hour ago that my Mom and Dad are not my real parents? That they kidnapped me? That's really hard to believe in my case.

If they kidnapped me, then why did they take care of me like I'm their real daughter?

If they kidnapped me then why did they sacrificed themselves to save me?

There's so many questions running around my head right now.

I don't know what to do, this is a first.

I always come up with a plan to assure myself but right now, I don't know what to do.

"Ahh shit!" I cussed while I'm holding my head

I should call Felix, maybe he could help me.

When I was touching my pocket, my phone isn't there.

"They already took my guns and knives, they also take my phone?! What the hell?" now I'm talking to my fuckin self

"Looking for this?" Juuzou smirked at me

"No, I was looking for my guns and knives to kill you." I sarcasticly said and rolled my eyes at him

Does my so called TWIN BROTHER is dumb?!

Doesn't he already knew I was looking for my phone, if they'll asked that he's my twin. I should say no, I might get humiliated by him.

"Don't you really have any emotions?" He asked

"Huh?" I looked at him

"Well, it's just.... It's competely different on how I expected to you." He said

"I lost my emotions when Mom and Dad died in front of me and always expect the UNEXPECTED, Because I'm not the girl I used to be when they died." I said

"I learned how to kill and steal just to live, I always fight for myself just to survive." I continued

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you experience those things." he looked so sorry

"Don't look at me like you pity me, I don't need those." I said

"If you guys we're really looking for me then why didn't you find me?" I asked

"We did find you but we can't find you, it's like we're already searching the whole world for you." He said

"then, your saying that if someone didn't find me and kept me and took care of me then you'll find me?" I Sarcasticly said

"No its no-" I cut him off

"Then what's your point?! That you guys can't find me because you guys also thought that I'm already dead didn't I?!" I furiously asked

"Momo, Please. Listen to me-"

"No! Those lies, Everything you said we're a lies! You looked for me? For all those years?! How does that possible?! You can't find me? For all those years I've been searching for love! I've been hunting down by nightmares, every night!" I shouted.

I was about to say something when two people enter the room.

I just looked at them

"Momo? Is that you?" The woman asked me

I didn't say anything.

I'm...... Surprised....

What the hell is happening?

She hugged me but I didn't hugged her back.

"W-who are you?" I managed to say.

She just smiled, but her smile didn't even reach her eyes.

She smiled but it was filled with sadness.

"We didn't introduce ourselves yet, I'm Shihae, Asahina and I'm your real mother and this is your father Ren, Asahina." She said

I just looked at them.

They really looked just like me.

I don't know what to say.

"We're so happy we finally found you, we've been..... Looking for you." She said and cried.

"You we're?" I asked

"Yes, we we're. We hardly give your brother a time because we we're looking for your uncle." Ren said

"If you really looked for me then what happen to those years finding me?" I asked them

They didn't answer

"Did you know what I pass through without them nor you? I learned to kill and steal just to live! Then I just found out that my real parents we're having FANCY MEALS EVERYDAY WHILE I SUFFER TO DEATH!" I yelled at them

"For all those years! I've been searching for love! For your warmth! For your care! But guess what?! I DIDN'T EXPERIENCE ANY OF THEM! did you know that my Mom and Dad killed in front of me?! Did you know that nightmares we're hunting me down every night? Did you know who kept me and trained me to be a successful top assassin?" I asked

"Of course you don't know anything! Why?! Because you didn't even know how did I lived my life for those years without you! I manage to save my own fuckin life!" I'm controlling my tears not to fall but these traitor tears rolled down on my cheeks

"I always get jealous to those kids who smiled with their parents, they give them piggy back rides, hugs and kissed, they treated their wounds. I always imagine those things that if they we're still alive, maybe I could experience those things. But I guess those are just my imaginations. Because those didn't even happen. Even ONCE in my life! It didn't!" I can't control my emotions anymore.

"I'm sorry Momo, we didn't know that you we're hurt all those years. I know saying sorry isn't enough, but.... Please... Please give us a chance to be with you." Ren begged for a Chance.

"I don't know if I could give you a second Chance." I said and walked out.

Second chance isn't a bad thing, but why is it so hard for me to give it to them?

I can't stop my tears falling down my cheeks.

I felt a presence in front of me and........

I saw felix looking at me and he looks so worried.

He immediately hugged me.

"Momo, I'm glad you're okay. Why are you crying? Who made you cry? Did he do something to you? Momo tell me! I'll beat his ass-." I cutt him off

"It's fine Felix, you don't need to do that. It's just......" I can't help but to cry

"Shh... It's fine you can tell me everything." He said

'I met my Perents


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