Letting go

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Momotsuki's Inner self POV

"You've got to help me.." I said as I looked t juuzou

"What happen?" he asked

"she won't wake up, she said I'll have her body forever."

"Isn't that nice-" Juuzou didn't finish his sentence when his father smack his head

"Do you want to be forgotten by your twin sister!" His father scolded him

"So? She'll not going to do it anyway, she still love felix."

"what if she doesn't want to wake up?" I asked

"Then, you'll wake her up. She'll listen to you." He simply said

"It's not that easy juzo, her mind is not closed. it's not easy to wake her up in a situation like this."

"Then do everything you can to wake her up, your the only one who can enter her and who can talk to her, to change her mind. It's all up to you." He said

"I'll try.." I said

"Don't try it. Do it. You love her right? Not because your using her body but you taught her how to be brave and strong all by herself without you, didn't you?" he said and looked at me


"I know, it's all written all over your face. Help her, please... I don't want her to forget everything." he said

"All you can see to me is not all true-..." he cut me off

"Yeah, All I can see outside of you is not true, but through to you? I don't think that's not true at all."

I didn't speak anymore... It's more like I'm speechless.

He was right, I love momo. After she summoned me and treat me like her own twin even though she knew that I wanted to kill her because I want her body to be mine, she didn't hold a grudge on me. She's trying so hard to bring back her feelings and now she finally done it, Now she's hurting.... I have to bring her back.

I closed my eyes.....

I opened my eyes and saw an unfamiliar pitch black place...

I saw a bed with a lamp at the side.

I saw momo lying on the bed, her face looks pale and full of pain, she's trying to hard to hide it but even if she hide it it's still written all over her face.

"Momo wake up now, your family is waiting for you." I said and hold her hand

"What are you doing here? " She asked

"I'm here to get you back." I said

"what? Why?" you want my body right? Why are you giving it back?"

"Well, I Don't care about your body anymore, all I want now it your life. Your memories with your friends and family."

"I'm tired of hurting. I want to be happy, I want to be like everybody else." she's crying again..

"Are you going to give up on Felix? Are you just going to let her have your happiness?" I asked

"Do you think I'm his happiness? What if I'm just fighting for nothing, what if I'm not his happiness? What if its her?"

"What if it's not her? It's worth to try Momo, don't give up yet. This momo in front of me right now is not the momo I used to know." I said and smiled at her, I was so glad when she smiled back at me and hugged me

"Thank you." She said and closed her eyes

Be happy momo.

Momotsuki's POV

I opened my eyes and saw my mom, Dad and juuzou.

"Ohh Momo!" They said and hugged me

Maybe it's not the time to give up yet.

"Momo, We have an unfinished business." juuzou said

"Huh? What?" What is he talking about?

He handed me an envelope

"What is this?"

"See for yourself."

"You are invited to Lee felix and Katheen Lim"

I looked at him

"Move on Momo, let him go." He said

He's right, maybe it's time to let him go now.

I felt my phone vibrate

Shiro Calling......

Ohh, it's them.


' Momo? Are you alright? Where are you right now?"

He sounds really worried, he asked too many questions...

"I'm fine Shiro and I'm in my parents house you guys can come over." I said

' Are you sure your alright?'

Am I really alright?

"Yeah, I'm fine don't worry."

' Alright were coming over.' he said and hung up

I slam myself in my bed and looked at my wallpaper.

It's still him... I'll change this later.

I said and left my phone

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