The Auction.

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Momotsuki's POV.

I cant believe what I just did earlier.

I beg for my enemy to bring hinata's memories.

Maybe I did Right, I hope hinata wont be upset in this.

I set this aside first, ARGGHH!!! This is so frustrating!

"Momo-chan where have you been?" they asked

"Nothing, Maybe I lost my way home." I lied

"Really?" Hinata raised her eye brow at me.

"Momo, wareware wa hanashi o suru hitsuyō ga ari masu." shiro said and walked to the backyard.

"What?" I asked.

"What did you talk about with that hyunjin." He asked.

"Ohh. Nothing particular." I said

"Momo." He's looking at me seriously.

"I... I asked for help... To bring hinata's momories back." I said and looked down

I was expecting that we would yelled at me because I was so careless, but he didn't. But instead he pat my head like I'm a little girl.

"You should tell me that first. I'm helping too." he said and smiled at me

I smiled back him, I was so relieved.

"By the way Momo did you came up with a plan yet?" hinata asked

"Well, to tell you the truth I didn't think about it yet." Well sometimes I never think about the plan actually.

We were talking about a lots of things but suddenly my phone rings.

' Calling 'Boss Yvo' '

Ohh its boss.

"Hello boss?"

'I need you to go to an auction tonight.' he said

"Another auction again?" I asked This is boring another old man to seduce?! That's so gross!!

'Yes. I need you to get a hard drive to that auction, all the information will be delivered there in five seconds.' He said

"Ok." I said and hung up.

I heard the door bell ring

"I'll get it." hinata said and she get the black envelope and a big black box.

"What are we going to do today, momo-chan?" hinata asked

"And what's with this box?" Shiro asked

"We need to go to an Auction tonight. Can you open that up?"

They open the box and the saw two gowns and a tuxedo.

"Whoa!! This is amazing!!" all of us yelled.

"Look at this momo-chan! sore wa totemo utsukushīdesu (It's so beautiful)." She said
"What do you want to wear momo-chan? This or this?" she's raising the two gowns.

The two gowns we're color violet and black.

"I'll go on that black." I said, it's easy to wear because its backless and also their's no strap.

I look at the clock its already 5:30 P.M

"We need to prepare all the things we need, So we could set the plans after." I said and they nod

I glanced at the clock its already 6:00 P.M

Maybe I'll just decide what i wear for tonight.

I open the box and saw a black high heeled shoes.

High heels?! What the heck is he thinking?!

I immediately called Yvo.

'Yes. Momo?'


He just chuckled 'Just use that you'll be ok'he said and hungged up

"Shit!" i cursed

I glace at the clock its already 7:30 P.M

I put my make up on and the dress and the heels.

~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~

This is so pain in the ass.

"Hinata your in charge of the owner, shiro and I is going to take care of the security cameras and guards."

"Ehh?! I'm going to seduce an Old man again?! That's so fuckin gross Momo!" She whined

"You've got no choice and besides I'm your leader after all." I said and enter the building.

This auction describes one word only.


They play and sell do dirty stuffs and all ugh, this place is totally gross.

I saw a familiar blond haired boy-what the hell is he doing here?!

Arrgg!! I'll be careful this time, I'm going to kill myself again.

"Shiro hack all the security cameras." I told him

"Momo we have a...... Slight problem." He said

"Slight?" I raised an eye brow at him

"Ok its big all the cameras are already hacked." I immediately looked at him and snapped myself up.

That dumbass!!!

"Lets go find hinata." I said

'What about we go inside this room and continue this inside'I heard an old man said.

I saw him holding hinata's waist.
Ughhh!! Fuckin disgusting! I immediately stuck a dagger on his head.

"Momo! This is all your fault! That's so disgusting!" She said and rolled her eyes.

"lets go find that hard drive he was talking about."

We found Five hard drive's.

"five? This should be like one hard drive only." Shiro is also confused.

"Get all of that and you two go through that window I'll go downstairs." I said and get out of the room.

"You should thank me for this huh Asahina." I immediately froze.

Ughh! Crap.

"What do you want."

"That's how you say thanks to me after all I've done?" he said and laughed

"And Why would I say THANKS to you? And by the way I didn't even asked you to help me." I said and glared at him, I really hate this dumbass.

"Can I have my reward?" He said and smirked at me

"Reward? I dont think so." I was about to walked away but he pin me down in the wall and kissed me.

I didn't move for a second.

I was about to push him but he hold my hand and kissed me torridly.

Is he going to expect that im going to kiss him back? Over my fucking gorgeous body! HELL NO!

He slip his tongue inside, Shit what is he planning to do?!

After we catch our breathes he lean his head on the wall and whisper in my ear. "Someday I'll do more than that." He smirked at me and walked away.

What are you trying to do Felix?

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