Wait for me

748 31 18

Felix POV

We've been waiting for an hour or so until the doctor appeared at the door.

'Doc how is she?'

'Is she alright?'

Shiro and I immediately asked

"She's fine, she's just unconscious for now she'll wake up soon." He said and we sighed in relief.

"Felix." I heard a baritone voice and it's like my body froze for a minute

"Yes Sir?" I faced him

"Let's talk. At he rooftop" He said and walk ahead of me

As we arrived in the roof top he looked at me so seriously

This talk of him really scares the fuck out of me.

"I don't want to waste some time here but I want you to stay away from my daughter from now on." he said

I can't move... It's like what he said can't process out of my being.

"S-sir I can't possibly do that." I just looked down

"And why? You can even leave her broken and now your telling me that you can't leave her?" He said

"I'm sorry, I just..." I can't say the reason to him

"You just what? Take my daughter for granted?"

"NO! Sir I loved her and I can't.... I can't bear not to see her."

"What did I told you about this felix? Didn't I told you that ONCE you hurt her, I'll take her away from you." He said "And I'm not going to let this through Felix, it was okay at first but then this happen because she chase after you she's not giving up on you because my daughter loves you felix. You disappoint me felix, I thought I can trust you."

"Sir just... Just let me see her One last time." I said even though there's no assurance that he'll let me

"Let's have a deal then."

"W-what kind of deal is that?" I asked

"Since she's still unconscious, I'll let you see her but when she wakes up... I'm sorry but you have to stay away from her as possible." He said

"What?! I can't do that! That's insane!"

"If you don't stay away from her then we'll take her away from you as far as possible. I can even kill you where you stand right now. Think about it felix, it's your choice." he said and walked away

She loved me and I hurt her.

She chase after me and... I didn't catch up with her and this happen.

Why can't I just be happy with her!?

"Fuck this life!" I couldn't help but to kick something, I couldn't stop my tears from falling off.

It's my only option to see her and if I don't agree he'll take her away from me.

I don't want it, I want to be with her but I can't... My mother is dying and I can't disobey her. One mistake and it will stop her heart from beating

" Felix it'll be alright after this we'll get divorced and then we're going to get your love back even if it takes years we'll find her don't give up we will think about something that could get her back to you." She said and tapped my back

Maybe she's right it's not the time to give up I still have an option to see her even if I  just have a limited time to hold her hand and tell her everything I just wanted to tell her that I love her and that's all I can do for now.

I ran back to the hallway and find mr.Asahina

" sir accept your deal but please don't take her away from me I'll accept to your deal I just wanted to see her even if I'm too far away from her and I'll do everything to make my mistakes right after a month I'll get my divorce and I'll get her back and then I'll marry her and then I love her the all I wanted to do all this time give me a chance to prove it while she's not waking up." I said

" very well then the don't expect me to give you another chance even if you love her but if she say that she doesn't want you then I'm sorry I just want to protect my daughter I looked for her for too many years I can just let you hurt her just like that and I hope you understand." He said and walk past me

I enter her room and saw her with needles stuck in her arms I can't bear to see her like this happens because of me if I just chased after her and told her that I still love her this wouldn't happen if I just used my mind let her be free with the man she loves but I can't just do that it hurts to see her with another man.

I walk towards her and hold her hand.

"Momo can you hear? me please wake up I missed you already I want to see your smile again, I want you to say you love me again with a surprise attack, I want to see your eyes to be locked on mine again. I want to hold your hand again and do all the things I've promised to you. I want you to open your eyes. Wake up momo, I missed you so much." I couldn't help but to cry because her father is right I hurt her and I can't even do anything but to hurt her even more, I hate myself because I couldn't do anything to unhurt her.

Don't worry I will fix this mess and I will divorce her after month and then I'll get your love back, I will get you back just please wait for me. I will do everything just to get to get you back and I promise if I would have you back I will never ever hurt you again, even if you push me away I will never give up because if I just used my head carefully. I shouldn't have hurt you in the first place that was the biggest mistake I made in my whole entire life. please forgive me I love you.


I used google in this though, I was so tired of typing and I'm sorry that I haven't updated yet since the December I guess and I hope enjoy this part and please check out my new story titled killer in disguise please check it out and it's just an epilogue and still on going so just check if it's a nice story or not LoL. And by the way thank you for supporting my stories reading my stories are really appreciated it in the if I don't really update that much but I'll try to update daily from now on. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you did please make sure to give it a vote or comment for your opinion about the story thank you❤

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