Chapter 33

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Tessa's POV 

The crackling of paper under my hands was the first thing I felt when I started waking up. I peeked my eyes to look at the crinkled paper with a red rose on it which brought a smile to my face. I got up stretching my body and opening the paper.

Good Morning babygirl. Got called by dad. Also don't want to get caught by your mom, right! Will pick you up for school. See you soon. 

Ethan xox 

I was a bit disappointed for him not being her when I get up but he was right, we didn't want to get caught by my mom. I looked over the bedside clock to find that I had only 30 mins before Ethan comes to pick me up. I rushed to get ready skipping my shower since I had one last night and got dressed. I still had 10 mins to spare so settled in for cereals.  

Mom was already gone for work leaving me alone. I finished my breakfast and got up to wash my bowl when Rachel walked in looking tired. Guess who partied the whole night. 

"Great party eh?" I asked her 

"Ya. But I'm dead tired and Kyle got in fight with some guy who tried to make a move on me. I could have handled it you know" she said sitting on the stool and lowering her head to the table top. 

"Ya I'm sure you would have handled it with lesser violence" I told sarcastically. One thing you have to know about Rachel, she never thinks twice to use violence. Believe me you never want to get on the bad side of her. 

A horn sounded outside notifying my ride is here. I said my bye to her and made my way to the door eager to meet my boyfriend. He was waiting for me in my drive way but didn't get out. I reached the car only to find another person sitting on the passenger seat. It was none other that Miss.Pinky. What is she doing here? I raised eyebrow looking back to the driver. He just sighed and shook his head disappointed.  

"Hey! You coming or not? We are going to be late for school" said the she-devil herself. 

I got in the backseat and buckled up. The ride to school was silent. I could feel Ethan looking at me through the rear-view mirror but I refused to meet his eyes and kept it on the passing trees and buildings on the window. The car parked in the usual spot. We got out of the car and Ethan reached to take hold of my hand but before he could reach me another hand pulled him back. 

"Ethan I'm new here. So can you take me to the office and show around?" Steph asked trying to look innocent.  

He looked torn between reaching me and to go with her. I thought of making it easier and stepped towards the school leaving them behind. 

"Tessa. Wait" he called after me. 

"It's ok. I know my way around. Why don't you show her around? I hope its your duty too" with that said I made my way to my locker.  

I was disappointed with him for allowing her to ride with us more over letting her sit in my seat. Now he can't even declaim her request right away. The first class was over but nothing registered in my mind. I was on the way to my next class when a hand pulled me into the dark class room and locking the door behind us. The event from few days back came to my mind making me panic to even register the tingles I got from the touch. 

I opened my mouth to scold Matt, but stopped when another voice started speaking. 

"Tessa I'm sorry. I didn't know she was coming with me today until I was out of my front door to meet you. My dad wanted me to give her a ride on the first day. I have to do it for the pack's sake" I heard Ethan say. When I didn't reply he stepped towards me. 

"You know that you are the one for me and I would never involve with her right?" he was right in front of me now. I kept my eyes planted on the floor. He cupped my face and lifting it to meet his eyes.  

I let out a heavy breath "I know that you had a reason but it still makes me feel bad" I said pouting. 

I heard him groan and tracing my lower lip with his thumb. "I know and I'll make sure it won't happen again. ok?" 

I nodded in response. "And how many times have I told you not to pout. It makes me crazy and do this" he planted his lips on mine. He kissed me deeply but pulled back soon for my wish. "I have been waiting to do it all day" he said hugging me. The sound of the bell made us pull apart and go to our next class. 

At lunch we sat in out usual table chatting about the party on the weekend. Ethan was sitting with his legs on either side of me and resting his head on my shoulder when Miss.Pinky reached our table making the chatter stop. She stood near Ethan trying to get his attention but he was giving none and pulled me even closer. 

"Hey guys. Can I sit here for lunch?" she asked looking at Ethan and the empty space next to him. 

When she was about to move to the spot Kyle came out of nowhere and sat there. "Sorry its my seat and the table is full" she stomped and turned to find another table. We all looked at Kyle, he has not come to school in morning and I know he was with Rachel partying the whole night and how did he get here and also on perfect timing. 

"Where did you come from?" I asked at the same time when Seth said "Great timing man" giving him a high five. 

"Thank you. Thank you thank you" he stood up and bowed dramatically and sat down "I know when I'm needed" he said looking at me. 

"I thought you'd be in bed sleeping on the whole night's party. Rachel looked dead tired when she came home for sure" 

"Well you know I'm a wolf and needs lesser sleep than humans" he said digging in to his food.  

Well that made sense. We continued with our lunch. I looked out to see where Steph was sitting only to find the She-devil with the He-devil himself. Matt and her were sitting next to each other and laughing on something. As if he could feel my eyes on him, he turned to look at me with a smirk remanding me of his words the other day. My heart beat raised on thinking about the encounter with him. 

"You ok babygirl?" Ethan asked concerned looking at me. He found my eyes landed on the certain table and tightened his grip on my. 

"Looks like she found a perfect match of a douche bag" making the others laugh.  

I averted my eyes from them only to land on another making me feel guilty. Seth was looking at me and asking to tell Ethan about Matt through his eyes. I can't do that. It he comes to know about it he'll kill Matt for sure. And I don't want him to kill someone for me. I shook my head no making Seth sigh.  

Rest of the day went by good and Ethan made Liam give a ride to Steph. He came to my place to spend some time. We were in my room, me working on my homework and Ethan lounging on my bed.  

"What's this?" he asked making me turn to look at him opening my sketch book.  

I sat there looking at his facial reaction to my sketches. I couldn't find any thing from his face. It was blank and concentrated. When he finished looking through it he closed it and placed it on my side table. I sat in my computer chair waiting for some kind of reaction from him. 

A small smile found its way to his lips "Wow Tess. I didn't know you could draw like that. Its simply superb" he said making me smile. 

I have drawn a few pictures of him and also the wolf from my dreams which I'm sure its him. but I'm yet to see it in person. I wanted to see his wolf but was afraid to ask him.  

We didn't talk about it anymore and continued with our work. He helped me with my math which I'm getting good at. My mom came home and made dinner for us. Ethan left home after dinner making sure to ask my mom's permission for the party this weekend.

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