Chapter 41

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Tessa's POV

Rach closed her eyes and breathed in heavily. When she opened her eyes I was thrown back in surprise and shock. My jaws hit the floor. 

"Is she... how? When? This..." I rambled to myself. Her eyes were yellow which means she is werewolf like others. 

"Yep I'm a were now" Rach replied my jumbled questions 


"Because when you were taken away I can't do anything. When we came for your rescue all these guys changed into wolves and raced to find you. But I was relied on the car to get to you. I want to be there to protect you cuz" she said stepping near me. 

I was almost in tears on seeing how much she cared for me. I pulled her for a tight hug and pulled back looking up at her. 

"Who and when?" 

"The Alpha changed me obviously and it was on the day you were stabilised" 

"How are you feeling about it?" 

"Its cool to change into wolf and the sense of smell, sight, hearing..." she started rambling happily about her new world. 

We chatted for some time and they left me to rest. I had home-made lunch courtesy of Ethan's mom and his sis who brought it. I got visited by my mom, Marie and Noah. My mom cried a bit but was happy to see me awake. They left in the evening.  

The doc came in the evening and told me my leg was fractured, I had a broken rib and few bruised on my face and a wound on my head which was given stitches. He made me walk which felt good for my stiff muscles. My other injuries were healed faster due to the rest my body had. He told I can go home day after tomorrow. 

When the doc left I wanted to change into more comfortable dress which my mom brought for me. Ethan has gone to get me a drink and I planned on changing before he came. I was struggling with my dress balancing on single foot. I had successfully pulled up the basketball shorts and was picking up my singlet to pull over my bra when I heard Ethan entre the room. He closed the door behind him startling me and making me lose the balance and fall on the bed face first. 

He placed the drink on the bed side table and stood behind me. He took the top from my hand and made me sit up. He lifted my hand and pulled down the top. His hands which were cold from holding the cool drink touched my skin making me shiver. Soon I felt his warm lips where his cold hands touched me making butterflies appear in my tummy. 

"You should have asked for me to do it. Next time you want to change tell me. Ok?" he said near my ears. 

I nodded and he made me lie down and getting in next to me and pulling me to his chest. I listened to his heart beat and thought about the events which happened today. I wanted to ask him the question which was still unanswered. 



"What happened to them?" I asked softly. His body tensed and his hands tightened around me. 

"They are taken care of" came his short response.  

"I want to know what happened" I said with a pout and fingers drawing patterns on the t-shirt which fit perfectly on his body. He stopped my hands from drawing making me look up at him. There were few emotions in his eyes.  

"Tessa you should understand that what I did was a must and there was no other way to calm my wolf. I can't bear if anything happened to you and I had to do it. Please don't think different of me" he asked with his eyes pleading me to understand. 


"I...He...He got what he deserved for hurting you. I... I... killed him" he said with a defeated eye looking at me for my reaction. 

Well I somehow knew HE would be dead but why was Ethan feeling like this? He was a bad person actually he was the worst person. He defiantly deserved to die. But why was Ethan... wait a minute he thought i'd think badly about him killing someone! I looked up to see his panicked face waiting for my response. I took his face in my hands and gave him a reassuring smile making him relax.  

"Ethan, he deserved it and I'll never think bad about you for doing it. I know you did it to save me and more other girls who he'd go after. If you want to know how I feel now, I feel safe with you near me and that Satan dead" I said pecking his lips. He smiled at me.  

"What about that bitch?" 

"We arrested her and threw her in dungeon. But her being the alpha's daughter held us back on punishing her. She was to be presented in front of the council for trail but she escaped couple of days back and we don't know where she is. I'm sorry for failing you again" he said dropping his head in shame. 

"Hey it's not your fault that she escaped but I know you'll find her soon and punish her as per your law. I'm happy that you did these things for me" I said hugging him. 

"Thank Goddess. I was so worried on how you'll take this news" he said hugging me back. We stayed like that for few minutes but another thought came to my mind making me pull back and look up at him. He looked down at me with knitted brows. 

"About Rachel..." I trailed off not knowing how to ask him. 

"It was her decision and she was already mated to Kyle which made it easy. My dad tried to talk her out of it thinking she wanted to do it on the spur of moment. But she was stubborn and very clear in what she wants" 

"Hmmm. It's not that. Well I... I want to become like her" 

He looked taken back but when he saw how serious I was, he just gave me a smile and kissed my forehead. 

"If that's what you want, I'm more than happy to oblige. I'll talk to my dad on when he wants to change you" 

"You know I want you to change me and not your dad. No offense" 

"None taken. But if you want it to be like that then we'll have to wait for a while" 

"Why?" I asked with a pout he bent down to kiss away my pout and looked me straight in the eyes. 

"I think I have told you already this. I can change you only after I become a full alpha and to become a full alpha, well... we... we need to complete the mating" i blush grew on his cheeks making me chuckle but the chuckle stopped when i registered what he said.  

To become the full alpha we need to complete the mating. To complete the mating means we... we should.... oh god. Was I ready for that? Was I ready for the commitment, a lifelong one at it? Surely I liked Ethan who was I kidding I more than liked him. He has killed someone to save me. Screw it. I need this and I'll do it when time comes. 

"Baby girl it's ok. I can wait till you are ready. Ok don't stress that pretty little head of yours. But why do you want it? Is it because of Rachel?" 

"No. I felt so helpless when I was with them. I was depending on you guys to save me. If I were a werewolf I would have had the strength to fight back" 

"Tess you don't have to worry about that. Nothing like that is going to happen again. I live to protect you and so is the pack. You don't have to do it because of this" he said with a frown 

"It's not only that. You are the next alpha and I want to be better match for you. I know there are few risks in human and were mating. I don't want it for us. I want us to be perfect for each other" 

"Baby girl you are more that perfect for me. But you have made me happy by wanting to become like me" he took me in with a passionate kiss. We both fell asleep happily in each others arms. I can't wait to get back at that bitch with equal strength.

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