Chapter 16

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Ethan's POV

We are in the dance floor dancing together next to Kyle and Rachel. Hope Kyle is holding up. When he told me that Rachel was his mate, I told him not to kiss because of the full moon. He is trying to maintain his distance but Rachel is making very difficult for him. Let the spirits give him strength to hold on for few more hours until the wedding is over. Last song was a fast number, the way her hips swayed and the killer dress which shows her curves perfectly was making it hard for me to control. The songs changed to slow one. Tessa had her hands on my shoulder and mine on her waist. Our bodies were close; I could see her milky skin shoulder skin inviting me to mark her then and there. Her eyes were so lively; the blue oceans making me sink in it. Whenever our eyes met I'm sure she can feel the pull from my wolf. We moved closer, her hands were playing with my hair at the nape of my neck and its making my wolf go crazy. I bent down to her neck and inhaled her scent to calm my wolf. I kissed her on her neck and she inhaled sharply.

"Tess come with me. Will ya?" I asked in her ears making her shiver for a second. She just nodded and came with me.

We made it outside the reception hall. I pulled her in to a empty room and closed the door.

"You are so beautiful" I said backing her on the door while playing with her loose curls.

She looked at me with dazed eyes. I can't hold it any longer. I crushed my lips to hers and kissed her hungrily. She kissed back once she came of the initial shock. I wanted to taste her I want more, I licked her bottom lip asking entrance but she denied it. I could feel her smiling against my lips. I'll always get what I want. I bit her bottom lip making her gasp. I took this to deepen the kiss; my tongue explored hers with ease. I can taste her sweet honey mixing with mine. Her taste is making me giddy. She pulled back breathless making me groan. I trailed small kisses along her jaw line to her neck. She was breathing heavily. One of my hands found its way to let out her flow freely. Her hair covered my face and her scent filled my lungs.

"I like your hair down baby girl" I told her between my kissed.

"Hm..hmmm..." was her only response. She pulled me back for another kiss. Her hands playing with my hair. I could feel my wolf pushing to surface. He wants to mark her now. My hands were on her zipper ready to pull in down while my canines were extending at her neck. The loud bang on the door made us pull back. Tessa whined making my wolf grunt.

"Ethan open the damn door. We need to leave NOW" came Kyle's booming voice.

My alpha side was ready to rip him apart for interrupting us. I opened the door, stepped out while closing the door behind me. My wolf was furious making my eyes turn black. But once I saw his eyes I understood his reason. He was fighting with his wolf for control. As an alpha and as a friend he needs me. I took a few breaths to calm my wolf.

"What happened?" I asked through mind link.

"I can't control my wolf. Get me out of here. NOW please" he said back.

I nodded my head and told him to go to my car. I turned back to Tessa. I knew she was confused about what was happening but there was no time to explain. I took her hand and pulled her to me and kissed her forehead.

"I have to go now. I'm really sorry Tess. Its really important" I told her pulling back and looking at her eyes.

"Why?" she asked pouting.

God she is making it so difficult by pouting. I pecked her pouted lips. "Kyle got a call. I have to go and take care of few things. Its really important or else I wouldn't leave you right now. You don't know how much I wanted to continue what we were doing" I said with a wink.

She blushed looking down. I lifted her chin to look at her eyes and kissed her nose.

"You are so cute when you blush baby girl"

"Shut up"

"So you are not mad at me for leaving?"

"Not mad but bit upset. I wanted to spent the evening with you. But I understand its important or else you wouldn't leave. So its ok" she said with a smile. My wolf was whining for making our mate upset. But Kyle needs me.

"Thanks Tess. Will call you tonight"

"Ya sure" I kissed her once and rushed to my car.

I could feel the tension inside the car while driving home. As soon as the car stopped at the pack house, Kyle jumped off and ran to his room. I mind linked Liam to handle Kyle because he was more capable of handling this situation.

The fullmoon nearing was starting to stir my wolf, the make out session fueled to it. I thought being near my mate will calm my wolf and to hold on for a couple of days. But boy I was wrong. If Kyle hasn't interrupted I might have marked her without my knowledge, which will lead to more problems.

I shouldn't have lost my control, but her dress, scent and taste were not helping. I'm not sure what Tessa will tell Rachel about our sudden escape. I need to vent out my stress so I hit the gym after changing my dress. Ya we have our own gym, which is fully equipped to keep us weres fit. I worked out till I calmed down. I showered and went to find how Kyle was doing.

He was fine now. Liam has done a good job. I don't know if could have handled it because of my own stress. Liam told me he was fine for now but its better to keep him off Rachel till the fullmoon ends. Few wolves can't find in them to control it.

The fullmoon was on Monday, today was Friday. I think I can handle the weekend without doing anything stupid. Right?

After dinner I was in my bed calling Tessa. I was I bit concerned how she will react for my actions earlier today. I know she told it was ok but I'm still concerned.

"Hey Ethan man what's up?" she asked in some funny accent.

I chuckled at her response " Hi babe just called to see if everything was ok"

"Everything is fine. Why wouldn't it be ok?"

"Tess I'm sorry again for running of like that. I feel terrible" I said with a sigh.

"Hey hey I told you it was ok right. So stop worrying. So is everything alright there?"

"Ya its taken care off. How is Rachel doing?"

"Well... lets just say she is pissed. She kind of liked Kyle which was new. She is upset how he ran off when she tried to kiss him" she said in a hush tone. Guess Rachel in near her.

"I'm sorry about that too. But tell her Kyle will make it up to her in a few days"


"Can you guys join us for lunch tomorrow as my sorry treat?"I asked. I know I'm playing with fire here by being near her. But I have to make it up to her for how I behaved today.

"Hold on" she was asking Rachel "Ok we'll be ready"

"Great I'll pick you guys at 12 then"

We talked for few more hours finally sleeping around 3am.

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