Truth or Dare

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The RTTE gang plus Heather play truth or dare as suggested by the twins.

"Guys, guys, GUYS!!" the twins yelled in Hiccup's ear.

"WHAA!!" He fell off of Toothless's back and onto the ground. "Owwwww," he rubbed his head as he sat up.

"What?" asked the rest of the gang as Astrid went to help Hiccup.

" Let's play truth or dare!"

" Why not?"

--------time skip-------

" Snotlout, truth or dare?" Tuffnut smirked.

" Dare! I ain't no wimp!" Snotlout puffed out his chest.

" Fine. I dare you to fight Hiccup." Tuffnut cackled.

"Pfft. Piece of cake!" Snotlout got into fighting position while Hiccup just stood a couple feet in front of him.

"GO!" Tuff yelled.

Right at that moment, Hiccup drew back his fist and punched Snotlout in the jaw.

"AHHHH! WHAT"D YOU DO THAT FOR? Hold on, I gotta take a -" Snotlout promptly passed out on the floor.

"YES!! HICCUP DOES IT AGAIN!!" The twins cheered as Hiccup sat back down next to Astrid.

She elbowed him, "Nice job!"

Hiccup smirked and replied, "Why thank you M'lady," causing Astrid to blush.

He then proclaimed, "My turn. Fishlegs, truth or dare?"

"Ummm....Truth?" Fishlegs fiddled with his fingers.

" Who do you like?"

Fishlegs blushed a deep red, " Heather."

Hearing this, Snotlout immediately woke up and yelled, "WHHAAAATTT!!!!???"

Hiccup and Astrid couldn't contain it anymore and fell on each other, laughing their heads

Snotlout rubbed his jaw and said, " It's my turn now. Astrid - Truth or dare?"

And I am going to leave this here and continue it in a part 2. Bye fluffy dragons!

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