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This is a ToA Jiper one shot instead of HICCSTRID. It contains spoilers for the Burning Maze, so if you haven't read it, don't read this one shot. Pls read the a/n at the bottom though.
Bring a tissue-box, you might need it.
Piper P.O.V:
He was gone.
The love of my life was dead.
I watched, bleary eyed, as his coffin was lowered into the ground.
Leo sunk to the ground beside me, Calypso with him. My heart cracked as he sobbed into her shoulder, and tears began streaking down my face.
To my left, Percy and Annabeth comforted each other, unable to hold their tears in. Frank and Hazel stood a little ways away as they also payed their respects. I sobbed. I would never look into his electric blue eyes again, never tease him about his glasses again, never hold his hand in mine again. Annabeth held out her arm. I looked to see her inviting all of the Seven and Calypso into her and Percy's arms. Soon, we were a mess of limbs. Each person crying their heart out.
The worst part was,
I would never get to tell Jason 'I love you' again.

Well, I don't know about you, but I cried. I miss Jason so much. *sobs*
Anyways, like I said before, I will try to update as much as I can. As always ( how many times have I said this now?) feel free to leave any ideas in the comments.

Our Love Will Last {Hiccstrid One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now