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Hey guys! You wanted this. Part two to the last one shot. Also, Annabeth_Jackson08 tagged me, but apparently I'm not allowed to do tags anymore. Whelp. So does a shoutout work? If so go check out his/her profile and books!
On with the one shot!
P.S: I swear I type that last line so much, I just have to type the first word and the rest comes up in the suggested words thingamabober.

Heather P.O.V:
I was walking peacefully around the Edge with Fishlegs. He had finished helping Throk and wanted to spend some time with me. He was really sweet that way. We were just discussing how life was for me on Berserker Island, when I saw something that stopped me in my tracks. Fishlegs bumped into me.
"Ow. Wait, are you okay? Why'd you stop?" He turned and saw what I was looking at, "Oh. That explains it."
Right in front of our eyes was possibly the cutest HICCSTRID moment ever. Hiccup was carrying Astrid towards the clubhouse. He wasn't carrying her bridal style, which made it that much cuter.
Fishlegs' voice snapped out of my fangirl daze, "Heather, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Let's go follow them!"
I dragged Fishlegs towards the clubhouse. When we arrived, Snotlout and Tuffnut were already there.
"Hey guys! Where's Ruffnut?" I asked.
"Meh. She's somewhere with the Throkman," Tuffnut shrugged.

"So are we gonna go in or..." Snotlout gestured.
We all headed in and what we saw just absolutely made my day.

Hiccup and Astrid were kissing.

I couldn't help myself and squealed. Loudly.
They broke apart and turned to me, blushing furiously.

"Ummmmmmmmmmm..." Hiccup and Astrid said in unison.

"Are...are you...together?" I asked in a daze.

"Ummmm.....maybe?" Astrid said and Hiccup buried his face in her neck.

"WHY DID SHE CHOOSE YOU OVER ME????" Snotlout whined.
Not moving from his position, Hiccup punched Snotlout in the jaw. Snotlout spun around once and passed out on the floor.
"THOR'S MIGHTY HAMMER!" Tuffnut screamed and ran out of the clubhouse.
As for me?
I just said, "Finally, I can die happy."
I then fell into Fishlegs' arms and fainted.

Done! Sorry if that was extremely short and random.
Keep being awesome and keep shipping HICCSTRID!

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