All my fault

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In this one shot, Hiccup blames himself for his father's death, and Astrid comforts him. I'm pretty sure this is a common one shot, so you might have seen something like this.
Trigger Warning! Contains self harm.

Hiccup P.O.V:
I winced as the blade dragged across my skin. The pain was unbearable, but I deserved it. It was all my fault. I'm the reason my father is dead. I'm the reader my mother sobs his name to herself when she thinks I'm asleep. I'm the cause of everyone's problems.
My blood dropped to the floor as I drew the knife across my skin. Not even Toothless knew about this. He was out with Stormfly and Astrid. Astrid, her name rang through my head and I almost stopped he blade from cutting my skin. Almost.
Suddenly, my door slammed opened and I jumped back, the blade clattering to the floor.
Standing in the door way was Astrid. Toothless and Stormfly peeked in from behind her.
"Haven't you heard of knocking?" I asked, slightly irritated, but mostly shocked and a little guilty.
"I was worried! I've been calling to you for the past hour, but you didn't respond!" She defended. The dragons backed away slightly, afraid of the inevitable argument.
"What if I was asleep?" I retorted.
"I could hear you shuffling around," she shot back, and I was out of excuses.
Then, her eyes landed on the blade that lay by my feet. Toothless let out a sad croon as he too saw it.
I expected her to yell at me, but instead, tears began to form in her beautiful blue eyes.
"Astrid..." I whispered her name and stood up, her tears eyes following mine.
Finally, her voice cracking, she said, "Why?"
That was when I lost it. I couldn't bear to see her cry.
Tears began to well in my eyes as I said, " Because it's all my fault, Astrid. It's my fault he's gone." And with that, I sunk to the floor, sobbing. Astrid slowly crossed the floor of my room and crouched down before me. She gathered me into her arms and I sobbed into her shoulder.
"Hiccup, It's not your fault," she said, burying her face into his shoulder. Toothless and Stormfly squeezed into the room and curled around us.
"But, But it is," I choked out as Astrid traces circles on my back, "If I hadn't gone to talk to Drago, he would still be here! I'm the cause of everyone's problems!"
She pulled away and looked at me straight in the eyes. Her eyes glistened with tears, but shone with determination.
"Hiccup. You made a mistake. But you didn't let that stop you. Your father knew what he was doing when he took that plasma blast for you," at this point, tears were streaming down both of our faces, "He would be so proud of you, Hiccup. And you're not the cause of everyone's problems. In fact, you are the cause of my happiness."
I smiled and Toothless licked my face. I scratched underneath his chin and Stormfly squawked. Astrid patted her head.
Leaning forward, I caught Astrid's lips with mine. Her hands left Stormfly's head and clutched my collar. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer, if that was even possible.
When we broke apart, I whispered in her ear, "I love you Astrid."
"I love you too Hiccup."
And with that, we leaned in and kissed again, knowing that no matter how bad things got, we would always have each other.

Done! Alright guys, tomorrow I'm leaving for vacation! I will try to update at least once before I leave, but it might end up being another HICCSTRID fan art chapter.
Also, to those of you who have seen Kulfi Kumar Bajewala (though most of you probably don't know what I'm talking about) I just watched an extremely emotional episode of that, so that's where this one shot came from. There wasn't any self harm in it though.
Anyways, keep being awesome and keep shipping HICCSTRID!
Love you guys!

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