Hangin' Around

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Hey guys! I'm at my cousins' house rn so this is gonna be a short update.
It's based off of one of Leffie Draws' comics.

Astrid P.O.V:

I was walking into the clubhouse house when I heard a strange creaking noise.
Suddenly, Hiccup burst through the ceiling!

"Ah! Hiccup!" I yelled as I jumped back slightly.

"Heeeey Astrid! Astrid! Hi Astrid!," he said as he dangled from the ceiling, "Uh- I know this may look weird, but I can assure you I know what I'm doing!"

I sighed, "Let me guess: this is your newest invention?

He smiled sheepishly, "Yup."

"But something went wrong,"


"And now you're hanging from the ceiling like Toothless would."


"You do realize Hiccup," I glared at him, extremely worried, "That you could have been seriously injured!"

"But I," He started and trailed off.

I punched his side, lightly, and he yelped.


"That's for scaring me," I said.
Then I leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to his forehead, and I felt him smile.

"That's for being the way you are," I pulled back and returned his smile.

"Great!" He exclaimed, " So uh... would you mind helping me get down again?" He asked sheepishly.

I grinned, "Nah!"

He sighed, "Love You too."

Done! I know that was short, but I want to play cards with my grandma.
Keep being awesome and keep shipping HICCSTRID!
Love you guys!

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