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A fire burns
Bright and true.
A bitter heart
Laden with rue.

At wit's end.
All hope is lost.
The cure for anger
Comes at a heavy cost.

A blazing scroll,
A hand to lead.
A trail to follow,
A  heart filled with greed.

A path to find  
A truth untold.
And no one knows,
What the journey will hold.

Hiccup set down his charcoal pencil and admired his work. Poetry wasn't normally something he partook in, but it helped him to relieve his stress after the whole "Viggo Episode", as Astrid called it. 'Viggo Fiasco' seemed more accurate. Toothless crooned in his sleep, and Hiccup smiled wearily in his direction.

Suddenly, a knock could be heard at the metal door to his hut. Hiccup's smile widened -- only one person would be awake this late. He hurried down the stair and pulled the crank, his door clanking open to reveal a tired Astrid Hofferson.

"Hey Hiccup," She yawned, low lying fear in her eyes evident to her boyfriend.

"What happened M'lady?" Worry laced Hiccup's voice as he placed a hand on her arm, moving so he was right in front of her.

"I've...I've just had a really stressful week. I saw light from your window, and I was wondering if you had time to talk..." Astrid mumbled, eyes downcast. Hiccup's heart melted, and he cupped her chin. tilting her face up so she was gazing into his eyes. Hiccup could see tears brimming her eyes, threatening to spill over.

He tenderly brushed her cheek with his thumb. "I always have time for you, M'lady. What happened?"

Astrid sniffed, "I-I had a nightmare and I-I wanted to talk to you."

Hiccup gently led her up the ladder. He sat down on his bed, and Astrid sank into the chair he was just in. 

"What was it about?" Hiccup asked softly. When Astrid didn't respond, he held his arms open. Astrid flung herself into them, burying her face into his shoulder. Hiccup soothingly rubbed her back, whispering sweet nothings in her ear as an attempt to calm her down.

"Y-you died. V-viggo. H-he killed you, a-and I couldn't do anything about it." Astrid's voice was choked into a sob. Hiccup's heart cracked as sobs wracked her body. He held her tightly as her cries slowly died down into whimpers.

Hiccup pulled away gently and brushed the tears away from her face as she sniffed.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I'm alive, and I'm holding you in my arms right now. Hey, hey look at me." Hiccup tilted her head, forcing her to look at him, "I'm right here, aren't I?"

Astrid nodded, wiping away tears. She leaned her head on his chest as he stroked her hair.

"C-can I spend the night here?" She asked meekly -- unusual for the fierce warrior she was.

"Of course Astrid." Hiccup gently set her down to blow out the candle, and darkness settled over them like a blanket. He removed his prosthetic leg and climbed in next to Astrid. Immediately, she latched onto him, burying her face into his chest. Hiccup wrapped his arms protectively around her, and they fell asleep to the sound of each other's breathing.


Early the next morning, sunlight streamed through the open door of Astrid's hut, and Heather awoke to find her temporary roommate gone. Frantic, she scoured the entire edge looking for her, finally finding her curled up in her boyfriend's arms. A soft smile graced her lips, and she gently closed to door to Hiccup's hut.

I wonder where Fishlegs is. Heather wondered as she made her way to the clubhouse. 

Done! I am currently accepting requests -- this in fact, was a variation of the  request Em_Snowboard made.

Keep being awesome, and keep shipping Hiccstrid!


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