Blessings and Lectures

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Sorry if this is bad, but I really didn't know what to do. Any suggestions for either of my books would be appreciated. Anyways, hope you like this even if it sucks. I'm pretty sure they are already engaged, but I wanted to write a one shot about it. The next part is the proposal. It takes place in the same cove that I mentioned in my other HICCSTRID book.

Hiccup P.O.V:
Oh gods, okay, you can do this Hiccup. I walked Astrid's house and knocked on the door. The door flung open as Astrid's uncle, Finn, answered the door.
He took one look at me and said, "You're here to get my blessings so you can marry Astrid."
I managed to stutter out, "H-how did y-you know S-sir?"
He chuckled, " It's no secret that you and my niece love each other. I give you my blessing."
"Thank you," I beamed and left.
Now, I just needed the necklace from my dad.
I took a deep breath and opened the door to my hut.
As soon as I entered, I heard my dad's voice say, " Are you here for the betrothal necklace?" I spun around to face my dad. How do they know this stuff?
"How did you know?" I voiced my thoughts.
He smirked, "I just do."
He handed me the necklace and leaned in close.
"Before you go, I have one thing to say," He leaned back again, " I WANT GRAND-BABIES!!!!"
My face heated up.
"Say it louder Dad, I don't think they heard you at Berserker Island!" I said sarcastically. He just chuckled and pushed me out the door. I mounted Toothless and flew back towards the Edge.
I hope Astrid says yes.

Sorry if it's short. Part two (Proposal) should be up later today or late tomorrow. If not, then it'll be up next week.
Please check out my other HICCSTRID story, which is based of the Dragon AU one shots.
I will be in camp next week and on vacation the week after that, so I might not update as much.
Anyways, keep being awesome and keep shipping HICCSTRID!
Love you guys!

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